Selection 307

Counterculture / Drugs



One. Actual Size Press, Detroit, November 1969. Edited by Archie Anderson and Robert Andrews.

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Underground literary magazine, includes a section of Concrete work by editor Robert Andrews.Contributions by Gamaliel, Michael Vranich, Walter Hall, Robvert Andrews, Archie Anderson, Jim Krepps, Andrei Codrescu, Kenneth Mikolowski, with a special contribution by Gary Snyde (Smokey Bear Sutra)



The Dutch Underground Rises. Utrecht, n.d. (ca. 1967); tabloid size, newsprint, 16 pages; with illustrations, (Some wear on the edges, stains in right upper margin)). Complete with the mimeographed insert with the formula for LSD. Rare.

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One of the earliest Dutch publications on psychedelics and drugs (Werkgroep Bewustzijns Verruiming), edited by Humphrey Bennet, Mario Tymosz, Bert Streumer, Gert Mochèl, with contribs. by Woud van den Eerenbeemt, Peter ten Hopen (publishing a pharmacology of psychedelics) Richard Huebner, Arpad Schimandl (fotomontage Mother of Invention), Johnny the Selfkicker. Foreign contribs.: Timothy Leary & George Harrison.



Secret Comic

Number 1. Poster, 35 x 43 cm., distributed by Future City Press, Brighton. Printed in black, with colour applied manually. No date (ca. 1965), signed by Jeff Keen. Folded. Offset lithographed poster printed in b/w with colour added, by the movie-make Jeff Keen. TOGETHER WITH: Number 2. Poster, 35 x 45 cm., distributed by Future City Press, Brighton. Printed in black, with colour applied manually. March 1965, signed by Jeff Keen. Folded. Special Motion Picture Issue, Thrills Unlimited. (Ref.: p. 12 Aktual Art International. Dept. Of Art and Architecture, Stanford University,Ca., Dec. 2-28, 1967).

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Nos. 1-2 (all publ.). Arezzo, La Comune di Fronzola - Poppi, 1975 - 1976 - No. 1. (1975), 30x21 cm., 8 unnumbered pages;illustrated. No. 2 (maggio 1976), 33x22 cm., 8 unnumbered pages, illustrated, printed on pink stock..

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Italian Hippy journal from the Commune Fronzola-Poppi (in Arezzo). From the articles and features: "Centro di Televisione alternativa", "Contro le centrali nucleari", "La cassa peota", speciale "La conciatura della pelle","A Proposito della Nostra Comune", speciale "Contro-cucina", "La pagina dell'urgenza"



Number 1 (all publ.) . Buffalo, NY, Anonym Magazine 1968. 28x21,5 mm., side- stapled, 62pp.

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Editor Mark Kirkpatrick Robison, Fiction: Lana Kaiser;Poetry: Ronni Goldfarb. Contribs.: Michael Fiedler, Max Wickert, John Wiener, Lana Kaiser, a.o. This magazine from Buffalo includes the first periodical printing of Timothy Leary"s "Declaration of Evolution. "



Rehearsal For The Year 2000 (Drugs, Religions, Madness, Crime, Communes, Love, Visions, Festivals and Lunar Energy); The Rebirth Of Albion Free State (Known in the Dark Ages as England); Memoirs of a Male Midwife (1966-1975).

London, Revelaction Press, 1976. First edition, published September 1976. 33 x 20.5 cm. Pink wrappers, stapled, 220 pp. Printed on different colour papers. Cover photos by Mark Edwards. Nicholas Albery (using the pseudonym Alan Beam) presents an autobiographical trip through the counterculture in a blend of fact and fiction, delivering a vivid participant's account of the emergent alternative society and the birth of the 'New Age'. The story starts with the author's account of acid and mystical experiences at Oxford in 1966, moves on to San Francisco's hippie culture of Haight-Ashbury and returns to the London underground scene where Albery sets up several activists organizations (such as 'Link' in the story which matches with 'BIT' in real life), participates in squat-ting movement, the Notting Hill 'freak' scene and the Windsor Free Festivals. The cover photographs show the author with his wife, Josefine, baby son, close friend Nicholas Saunders, and others strolling naked with a goat through Piccadilly Circus at dawn on September 7, 1976, an 'undress rehearsal' for Timothy Leary's vision of pasture land in Piccadilly by the year 2000. Nicholas Bronson Albery (1948 – 2001) was a British social inventor, author and insti-gator of a variety of activist projects promoting an alternative society. A scarce and fragile publication. Spine and back cover damaged (tape added to fix rips). Front page features small removed sticker on upper right corner. Overal age toning and wear with small tears along the edges. Interior mostly good.

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Vol. 1, No 15. Friday, November 19, 1965. March thru Oakland "Victory! -- But..…"

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Contains: Allen Ginsberg -- To the Angels; and Ginsberg on March. City must protect March says Judge.



(Big Big Venus, Big Big Big Venus, Queen Camel Sister To Big Venus).

Nos. 1-4 (all publ.). London, Big Venus (Printed by Roy and Erica Eden), 1969-1970.(no. 1 quarto, nos.2-4 small quarto, mimeographed (varying from 33 -62 pages), stapled in the original wrappers (nos. 3-4 illustrated, nos. 1-2 with lettering in the front-page); apart from a little wear a good set.

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Edited by Nick Kimberley, Contributors include Richard Brautigam, Clayton Eshleman, Bill Butler, Andrew Crozier, Carl Weissner, Claude Pelieu, Bob Cobbing, Charles Plymell, Allen Fisher , George Brecht, John Ashbery, Peter Straub, Gerard Malanga (in no. 3, conversation with Andy Warhol,and others during the filming of 'Empire', Paul Buck (in no 2 included text 'a cunt not fit for the queen' , Fred Buck, and others. Volume four is titled "Queen Camel sister to BIG VENUS."



Tweemaandelijkse uitgave.

Year 1 nos. 1-6 (all publ.). Amsterdam, 1969-1970. Original wrappers, tall small 4to, 20 x 33 cm. (No. 1 with light damage to upper part of the spine, otherwise a very good, near fine set).

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Edited by Remco Campert, Geertjan Lubberhuizen & Rudy Koopmans. Contribs.: W.F. Hermans, H. Claus, H. Verhagen, Willem (B.Holtrop), W. van Malsen, Elsa Botenbauwer, B. van Garrel, S. Vinkenoog, J.B. Charles, Jerzy Kosinski, Ischa Meijer, etc.; photos by Ed v.d. Elsken (most covers and inside several nude pictures), Posthuma de Boer, P. de Lussanet, a.o.



Nos. 1-4 (probably all published). Putignano (Bari), 1974 - 1976; printed in offset, Nos.1 and 3 with colour added, rest b/w; in illustrated wrappers.

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Close to the Situationists, edited by Jimi, Pasquale and Max Cap. Number 4 gives a survey of the publication, from which can be concluded that no more was published and that a zero-number (to which reference is made in Number 1) did in fact not appear. - No. 1 (marzo 1974): 22x16 cm., 40 pp. in black and red: «San Paolo: Festival della vita», «Difendersi dai fascisti non è reato. Compagno Marini sarai liberato», «Coordinamento Centro-Sud», «Contro il fermo di droga», «Paperorock», «Considerazioni sulle riforme e i sindacati», «L'impero Chiesa e i suoi derivati», «Strutture alternative. La comune», «Controinformazione droga», «Gangsters o rivoluzionari?»; - No. 2 (ottobre 1974): 21,8x15,8 cm., 16 pp., printed b/w.: «La fine dello spettacolo è la festa della fine», «Il problema non è che il PCI sia o meno comunista, ma che è capitalista», «Notizie dalla caserma di Sassari», «Carabinieri, droga e avv. Polignano»; - No. 3 (maggio 1975), 44pp. Colour printing. : «La non opposizione», «La riappropriazione della soggettività», «L'opulenza mercantile», «State calmi», «I pendolari non pendolano più», «Lo spettacolo della politica», «Critica della musica»; - No. 4 (aprile 1976): 24,3x15,7 cm., 48 pp. printed b/w. «Cenni per la preistoria del Buco», «Per una critica dei nuclei radicali in Italia», «Della lotta armata o Come lo spettacolo assorbe le ambizioni frustrate seguito da Possibilità di affermare il ludico», «Appunti per una critica radicale dell’ambiente medico», «Il comunismo e il partito della sopravivenza pianificata». On the last page protest against the condemnation of Marcello Baraghini for an obscene drawing: «Noi protestiamo contro l’ipocrita condanna del compagno Marcello Baraghini. Essa costituisce un attentato alla libertà, un atto terroristico di repressione. (...). Marcello Baraghini è stato condannato per un disegno osceno:…. «la solidarità non si discute, si dà»".



Nos. 1, 2 & 3 (all publ.). Paris, Le Soleil Noir, 1967-1970. Original wrappers. (first and second numbers are one of 150 printed on alfa, in original slipcase. All in very good condition, the fragile no 3 in mint condition, as new. - Together with: - Handbill (in no 1) announcing the first number, with photocollage and text by Jean-Jacques Lebel, on verso: Des dieux dansent sur leurs propres corps etc., text by Ginsberg. Commandez, dès aujourd'hui, chez votre libraire, ce numéro spécial sur le LSD. Il a été conçu et réalisé,sous la direction de Pierre Bernard, par les jeunes écrivains et artistes de MANDALA: Jean-Claude Bailly, Dominique Boistel, J.-J. Lebel, Lacques Le Nadan, Bernard Nexon, Gérard Rutten; printed recto/verso in b/w, size 27 x 21 cm. Together with: - POSTER: (42,5 x 24,5 cm, printed in black on white paper). MANDALA Light Show at the Thalamus, 4,5,6th of June. NOUVEAU! Experience Hallucinogene.

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No. 1: Dossier L.S.D.Mandala, directed by Pierre Bernard (Mandala, Organe int.d'échanges hallucinatoires), contribs. Jean-Claude Bailly, Dominique Boistel, J. Le Nadan, Bernard Nexon, Gerard Rutten; correspondents abroad: Simon Vinkenoog, Miles, Linn House, Lawrence Ferlinghetti; No. 2: La Mort sans Phrase. 15 fev.1968. Cover and ills. by Jacques Monory, including an accordeon-folded original serigraphy by Jacques Monory; No. 3: Internationale Hallucinex. Revue, tract a detruire. Collection of manifestos, folded separate sheets. Manifeste de la generation grise et invisible (William Burroughs, Claude Pelieu, Carl Weisner, with collab. Of Jeff Nuttal, Ed Sanders).



Rivista internazionale di Nuova Poesia.

Anno 1 nos. 1-2 (all publ.). Torino, gennaio-aprile 1980. 16 pp (incl. selfwrappers); 20 pp (incl.selfwrappers). 27x20 cm. Fully illustrated.

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Initiated and directed by Giulio Tedeschi, publishes international underground poetry. Editors in Torino, Milano and Amsterdam (Aldo Piromalli). Poetry (original or in Italian translation) by Roberto Aversa, Antonio Meo, Francesco Paolo Tanzi, Walter Tarello, Federico Ballarin, Pier Castrale, Franco Beltrametti, Meo Cataldo Dino, Paolo Cerrato, Walter Ferrari, Gianni Milano, Vincenzo Parrella, Giancarlo Pavanello, Aldo Piromalli, Antonio Rodriguez, Roberto Sanesi, Piero Verni, Simonka Toncy Violi, Giulio Tedeschi, Christian Cannstadt, Simon Winkenhoog (sic!), Lee Van der Zalm, Alex Holst, etc. Photography by Italo Bertolasi and Pietro Borsi.



Periodico bimestrale di Cultura Alternativa, Informazioni, Undergroud, Musica d'Avanguarda e Arte Varia.

Set of 7 issues (of 9 published in total, lacking the zero-number and Anno 1 no. 1). Anno 1(2) no. 2 (giugno/agosto 1972) - No. 7/8 (agosto/settembre 1974, last issue published). La Spezia, 1972-1974. Sizes differ from 22 x 16,5 cm - 31 x 22 cm.

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Italian underground magazine, directed by Carlo Burrini. Heavily illustrated, with texts and drawings, some psychedelic art, cartoons etc. by S. Alberti, V. Baroni, C. Burrini, M. Marino, M. Scatizzi, Pino Tarantino, M. Felluga, Max Capa a.o. Printed on various coloured stock (red, pink & green). Subtitle varies. Also numbered as Anno 2 no. 2 (Anno 2 no. 1 omitted in numbering), then New Series Nos. 1 (= whole series no. 3)-7/8.



May 1971 (probably the only published issue): 34x44 cm., stapled, folded in two, 57pp. Many inserts. Burn-traces over the staples (most likely intentional by an artist).

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Compiled by Jos Tilson, published by Art Information Agency "A Channel of Information Between Artists: Magazine of pages, each one sent by an artist with a verbal or visual statement on current work and ideas, poems, plans, and projects". On page 18 a paper pouch with grass seeds.



(aka) Mary Jane: A Journal of Modern Cannibinology.

No. 15. Seattle: McKettner Publishing (1985). 4to. 20 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers. One-time issue.

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Edited by M.Kettner. One-time issue dealing with marijuana literature, culture, and history through poetry, songs, newspaper clippings, posters, ads, and graphics. Work by Kupferberg, Wanda Coleman, Ron Androla, and many others.



(A magazine of the leaf, a gathering of the tribes.).

Nos. 1-20 (all publ.). New York, NY, Oct. 1967 - Jul. 1970. Sq. 8vo., original pictorial wrappers, all in very good to near mint condition.

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Together 18 issues (8/9 and 15/16 are double) varying in size from 150-300 pp., with illustrations and photographs. Edited & publ. by Clayton Eshleman. contribs. by Paul Blackburn, Robert Duncan, Gary Snyder, Nora Jaffe, Cid Corman, Jerome Rothenberg, J. MacLow, K. Irby, Allen Ginsberg, Carolee Schneeman, Stan Brakhage, Akutagawa, César Vallejo, Stephen Jonas, etc. Number 20 also counted as volume 5 no. 4; the first issues are particularly scarce as they appeared in a small edition only. Covers by Nancy Spero, Carolee schneemann, Will Petersen, Michael McClure, Jess, Robert LaVigne, Robert Kelly, Leon Golub, Wallace Berman a.o. The second number with the sexually explicit cover designed by Carolee Schneemann was suppressed and is rare.



Magazine of Students for a Democratic Society.

Nos. 1, 2 & 3 (all published). New York, 1968. Original illustrated wrappers; 86, 96 & 96pp. (Wrapper of no 2 with edgewear and small chips),

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Publication of the SDS, edited by Jerry Badanes. In the first issue o.a. 'A tribute to the work of Che Guevara' with texts by Pablo Neruda, Fidel Castro Javier Heraud, Margaret Randall, Cesar Vallejo. Second issue: cover- VietCong Flag at Sit-In Columbia University; Contributors include Victor Hernandez Cruz, Julius Lester, Todd Gitlin, Robin Morgan. The third issue with coverage of the Paris Student strike and other international student protests.



Mai 1968. Extraits sonores d'un film réalisé par un collectif de travail, animé par Guy Chalon. 45 vinyl record.

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In the original sleeve, photo illustration Elie Kagan, text Claude Roy.




A collection (complete ?) of 6 Issues w/ Ephemera and The Rubber City Chemcorp Special News Bulletin (Number 7 ?). Kent, Ohio: Kent Chemical Group, 1982-88. Offset printed with hand-coloring and sticker elements. Most issues consists of a single leaf printed on recto and verso and folded three times for mailing; one issue saddle-stapled at wraps. Addressed and mailed. With some added ephemera.

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Edited by Dana A. Beezley. Seven issues of this hardly known conceptual artists' periodical. Each issue of the bulletin took a different class of drug as its subject, such as fertilizers, cleaning products, and romantic aids, and furthered the aims of the society, which were to warn against the evils of nature, and embrace the promise of chemicals. The figurehead of the organization was Chemical Girl, represented by a drawing of a smiling brunette holding up a glass beaker. This run includes assorted ephemera, including a flyer for a 1984 Chemical Girl Party, a couple of small one sheets (Key to the perfect body; The Nitrogen Ciycle; Personal Cleaning tips), and a postcard (Have you seen me?), mailed in 1988, inquiring as to the whereabouts of Chemical Girl, who had gone missing. The final item is a special hand-colored news bulletin from The Rubber City Chemcorp, the association which the Kent Chemical Group had morphed into, announcing the death of Chemical Girl and her subsequent resurrection.



Contatti Informazioni dell’Arcana.

Numero 1 (dicembre 1972) Roma, Arcana Editrice: 16 pages, 4to; printed in colour ; together with: Numero 3 (maggio 1974): 16 pages, 4to; printed in colour.

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The first number contains: G.E. Simonetti, Soggettività della cultura alternativa giovanile e movimento reale del proletariato; unsigned: Agaragar e il gauchisme; Dario Salvatori: Eventi rock; Ricardo Bertoncelli :Dalla presentazione della biografia di Bob Dylan di Anthony Scaduto; interview of Fernanda Pivano (29 ottobre 1972) by Gianni Rosati. Number 3: In omaggio da Hella. Joanna Leary's press conference 31 jan. in Rome; Timothy Leary 'Fuga'; Piero Verni 'Il libro della visione; Vivere insieme.Il libro delle commune. Dennis Altman Omosessuale; article on macrobiotic medicine; a comic by Gilbert Shelton on the last page, etc. -



Flaming Angel for Gerard Simon Belart. Amsterdam, Real Free Press, 1978. A poem by Cohen written in Rotterdam in 1976, 32.7 x 25 cm, 4 pp.

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Printed at Drukhuis Amsterdam on handmade paper BFK Rives. Released in an edition of only 60 signed and numbered copies, this is number 27. Tipped onto the front cover (as issued) is a full colour postcard with a reproduction of a drawing of Semiramis by Vali Myers. Very minor marks to the mostly white hand made paper but otherwise very good. A scarce Cohen item.


Ira COHEN (Vinkenoog)

Collage by Ira Cohen

Collage with b/w photograph by Ira Cohen of a masked Simon Vinkenoog pasted on a fragment of an Amsterdam city-map and piece of cardboard. Signed and dated (August 1977) by Ira Cohen. 22:15 cm. T

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The photograph was used as header-image for Vinkenoogs’ column ‘Magic Amsterdam’ in ‘Ins and Outs. A Magazine of Awareness’ (1978-1980). Journal of the "Magic Amsterdam" 'avant-garde', edited by Edward Woods, with assistance of, and guest-editorships by Ira Cohen, Mel Clay, Neeli Cherkovski, Hans Plomp, William Levy, a.o. Articles & photographs by Steef Davidson (on the Nieuwmarkt: Subway Culture in Amsterdam), Mel Clay (The Myth of the Male Orgasm. Window Shopping in Amsterdam Red Light District), Hans Plomp, Rachel Pollack, Ira Cohen, Simon Vinkenoog (on Magic Amsterdam). Marijke Mooy,, Steve Weiss, Jessie Gordon, Bruce Carpenter & Charlz Baba, Rachel Pollack, Magic Mike Taylor.Bert Schierbeek, Tajiri, Marpa, a.o.



Gruppo Studio P66 Terra di Lavoro : Comune 2 Il triangulo, centro studi d'arte, Caserta. Exposition d'oeuvres murales et de photomontages en noir et blanc de : Attilio del Giudice (5 oeuvres), Luca (1 oeuvre), Livio Marino (5oeuvres), Andrea Sparaco (5 oeuvres) et Paolo Ventiglia (5 oeuvres)

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Présentation d'Antonio del Guercio, Roma le 3 mai 1968. Textes de Enrico Baj, Gianni Bertini, Luigi Castellano (Luca), Umberto Eco, Antonio Forez, Renato Guttuso et Luigi Nono. Catalogue in plano tiré à 100 exempl. signés par les artistes. Les tirages sont de belle qualité sur papier fort brun. La couverture est fragilisée sur les bords et les agrafes rouillées ont désolidarisé quelques pages. Le Gruppo Studio D66 rassemble un groupe de peintres napolitains qui propose une rupture complète avec les schémas établis et qui veut mettre l'artiste au milieu des initiatives et des luttes. Ils voulaient impliquer tous les artistes du Sud du débutant au plus expérimenté. Ils ont choisi le nom Comune 2 en référence avec la Commune de Paris qui pour eux était la "Comune 1". Comune 2 rappelle le langage formel et les techniques du Pop Art américain mais avec des implications nettement plus sociologiques et politiques. De la plus grande rareté.



Giornale per l’Organizzazione dell’Autonomia di Classe

(Number 1) [Only issue published], Trento, 1978 (gennaio/febbraio), 44x32 cm, ,6 pages, 7 photographs. Printed b/w. Minor damage to right margin, otherwise fine.

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Countercultural periodical. Selected articles: "Libertà per tutti i compagni detenuti"; "Alla Marzotto di Cles e Mezzacorona dopo la serrata padronale, sindacati e politici si fanno garanti della pace sociale e dell'ordine"; "Una lettera di un compagno detenuto sul carcere speciale di Novara"; "Una lettera di Albino Bonomi e dei compagni imprigionati a Bologna, per i fatti di Marzo". [Bibliographically not found]



A subterranean magazine.

Numbers 1-3 (all publ ). New York, NY, The New American Library 1970 (A Signet Book).18x11 cm, softcovers, 192pp each. All three have a touch of wear to edges, minor reading creases.

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Countercultural paperback magazine. Editor: Mel Howard. Associate member of the Underground Press Syndicate. Contents reprinted from a wide range of underground papers, including: John Sinclair and the MC5; Eldridge Cleaver and the Black Panthers; Jud Yalkut (USCO commune); Jerry Rubin; John Wilcock; Herbert Marcuse; George Metesky ('Fuck the System'); Hugh Romney (the Hog Farm); Allen Ginsberg; Timothy Leary; Jane Alpert; S. Clay Wilson; R. Crumb, a.o. With numerous illustrations and photographs.


CUDDON'S (Cosmopolitan review)

An occasional anarchist journal.

No. 10. Aug 1966. London. 28 pages + wrappers,spine stapled. Typewritten trwest and illustrations/b/w.

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"We dedicate this issue to Barry Bondhus who emptied buckets of human shit into the files of the Sherboerne County Draftboard at Elk River,Minnesota". Edited by Ted Kavanagh; illustrations by Anna Blume. Contents: June in Amsterdam (by Kavanagh, on the PROVOS; Decline and Fall of the Saopwectaculard Commosity Ecomony (From Situationist Internat.) ;Contributions by Jeff Nuttall; Arthur Moyse; Alnert Meltzer; M.J.Walsh. Last page carries an advertisement for HEATWAVE.


DO-IT ! (d.a.levy)

(Vol. 1) Numbers 1 & 2 (of 4 published). -Number 1 (of 4 published). Omaha: Do-It!, [1966]. Quarto (28cm); variously-colored sheets, mimeographed on rectos only and side-stapled; [17pp]; illus. Faint stamp of New Mexico State University library to front wrapper, with some light wear and creasing to extremities. - Vol. 1 Number 2. Viet Nam Workbook. August 15, 1966. 32 unnumbered pages printed recto, on blue and white paper. ,stapled in the spine, together with 3 sheets from "Conscience over Country" (Call for an Examination of Conscience).

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First two issues (of 4) of this mimeographed poetry magazine, published alternately in Omaha, NE and Cleveland, OH between 1966-67. Edited by Matthew Shulman. Number 1 with a poem "The Ballad of no Berets" and cover art by d.a. levy, and contributions by Allen Ginsberg, John Giorno, Hugh Grayson, Randy Rhody, Clarence Major, and Freda Norton,and others.publisher: 7 Flowers Press. As stated on the page with the levy poem (page16) there were two simultaneous printings, one by d.a. levy in Cleveland with a limitation of 150 and another by Matt Shulman in Omaha with a limitation of 1,000 (which is probably not true). (Taylor/Horvath page 121 for the Ballad). Number 2: With a Mantra, written by d.a. l evy. To protect one from the viet cong (North and South) with a subtitle "Recite at the 3rd and 78th hour of the day" and "a non of viet nam gothic for the alamo, poem by d.a. Levy. Printed by Do-It Press,Cardinal Press,Omaha/Nebr. By the grace of Mr. L. Turner. Contributions by Matt Shulman, J.T.Hartmann, Paul Marish, Robert Lowry, Clarence Major, a poem by d.a.levy (65) a non of viet nam gothic for the alamo



Uno strumento di discussione e di lotta per gli studenti pisani

Number 1 (only published?) , Pisa, [stampa: G. Cursi - Pisa],Supplement to No. 12 of 'Unitá Operaia'. 1975 (2 ottobre), 50x35,5 cm, 4 pages, 1 vignet ("Decreti delegati: la scuola si rinnova" and 4 b/w photographs in the text. Some stains and small damage. Not found in the bibliographies.

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From the articles:: "Pacinotti occupato e autogestito. La lotta degli studenti dalla scuola alla città".




Nos. 1-12 (all publ.). Paris, Mai - Novembre 1968. 4to; With colour-illustrations: the original first edition, unbound, untrimmed. Added: supplement/traduction to No. 5 and the rare supplement to No. 10: Grand Concours de l 'Enragé.

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"Ce journal est un pavé. Il peut servir de mèche pour cocktail Molotov. Il peut servir de cache matraque. Il peut servir de mouchoir anti-gaz. Nous serons tous solidaires, et nous le resterons, de tous les enragés du Monde….."


ETC (&ETCetera).

Quinzenário cultural (folheca cultural).

Nos. 1-25 (all publ.). Lisbon, 17 January 1973 - October 1974. In the original issues, illustrated selfwrappers; except for a small tear in the last page of the final issue all in good condition ( Issues of 20-24 pages, with front-page in colour. ( 33.5x28,5 cm).

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Portuguese Avant-garde magazine directed by Fernando Luso Soaras, after number 7 by Vítor Silvo Tavares. Journal for the left-wing intellectuals, close to the international counter-cultural and anarchist movements, including ecological issues etc. Long impressive list of contributors, see Daniel Pires, p. 197-200.



(Nos. 1-31 publ. as: EVERGREEN REVIEW). Nos. 1-97 (last publ.). New York, 1957/58-1973, then No. 98 (last and all published), New York, Grove Press, 1984. Original illustrated wrappers; in-8 and in-4. A few corners and spines with faint creases or slight wear, but on the whole a near fine set. Very rare complete in this condition. ADDED: A signed copy of Vol. 1 no 2 : San Francisco Scene 1957 Rosset, Barnet ( Editor ) Pictorial wrapper. UNIQUE copy of the most important Beat writing published prior to Kerouac's 'On The Road'. This 'San Francisco Scene' issue celebrates the epochal 'Six Poets at Six Gallery' reading, which turned several of the young poets, especially Allen Ginsberg with his reading of Howl (first appearance), into instant celebrities. Ferlinghetti offered to publish 'Howl' the next day. Signed by Ferlinghetti, Michael McLure and Gary Snyder at the respective contributions. ADDED: A poster for Evergreen . An original 44-1/2 inch high by 29-1/2 inch wide color poster illustrated with Sergei Ivanov's May Day image advertising the counter-culture political periodical, the Evergreen Review. Circa 1967, the poster is illustrated with Ivanov's image of a festive maiden in a sheer dress scattering roses over the heads of the massed proletariat. Cyrillic text is printed above the periodical's name "Evergreen" which is boldly printed across the top. The Cyrillic text is explained at the bottom as being a translation of the periodical's slogan: "*In Russia it means Join the Underground". This is boldly printed at bottom left next the request to "Demand Evergreen at your newsdealer" and an illustration of the magazine with the same cover image. There are several chips and short tears along the edges with a tiny piece out from the bottom left corner and a heavier crease to the top left corner.

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The magazine of the Beat-Generation, edited by Barney Rosset, with contribs. by Henri Miller, L. Ginsberg, Albert. Camus, Jack Kerouac, Samuel Beckett, J.P. Sartre, Eugène Ionesco, Karl Jaspers, Tennessee Williams, Malcolm X, Vladimir Nabokov, Boris Pasternak, interviews with Bernadette Devlin (Women's Lib and other topics), Fernando Arrabal, Ingmar Bergman. Several issues were banned, and sets are hard to find.



La fabbrica della repressione / La fabbrica. Socialismo e barbarie. Only issue published (?), Milano, Edizioni di Puzz, 1975 (settembre), 25x17,5 cm, 56 pages stapled in the spine, mimeographed in black and red, illustrations and cartoons.

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Situationist periodical, published by PUZZ. "La fabbrica della repressione" reconstructs the history of repression in Italy after 24 July1974, facts in chronological order: "Puntualizzazione... lungo le linee di forza...", "Creatività critica - Controinformazione critica - Critica radicale", "Autonomia, radicalizzazione, aggregazione informale..." The second part "La fabbrica. Socialismo e barbarie", is a story in cartoons followed by two texts: "Tutte le ore feriscono, l'ultima uccide. Il "suicidio" di Giorgio Cesarano" by J. Camatte and G. Collu, and "A proposito dell'articolo "Estetica e teppismo. I situazionisti davanti all'altare del Dio Nulla" by Valerio Riva. [see Mangano, "Le riviste degli anni Settanta", pp. 234-236].


THE FANATIC (Design Willem de Ridder)

--(No.1). The special cosmological issue from Bath. For the Restoration of Language Prophesy, "Un autre monde". 21.5 x 31 cm, 12 pages printed in black on white paper, with some red additions. Moderate age toning and bumped corners, else a fine copy. Titles include: The New Jerusalem; Tea at the Vatican; Toward cosmogenic sanity: The demolition of Darwin, Religeous Fanaticism from Bath. -- No. 2: Special Low Mindedness Issue. Amsterdam, 1976. Tabloid format, 12 pp. (including covers). A very good copy with some minor foxing to extremities of cover, and slight fading along spine. -- No. 2 1/2: A een lionkse hoek: Bajonet charge tegen de Roden. Open brief aan Louis Ferron. Door Susan Janse. Qith photo of nude author by William Levy on back wrapper. Designed by Peter de Ridder. 10pages.(no date). (ca. 1975)

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-Numbers 3-9: Counter Culture: The Creation of Alternative Society. (Published in association with Peter Owen Ltd.). 25x18 cm., hard covers, original dust jacket rather damagedt, 416pp. Offset. Contributions by John Gerassi, Tuli Kupferberg, Julian Beck, Allen Ginsberg, Stokely Carmichael Simon Vinkenoog, plus many underground manifestos, all amply illustrated. A core reference work for the period. Rare.

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Peter Owen, London, 1968. hardcover with dust jacket. fine. Typical underground black-white photography and illustrations. - Important inventory of the social/cultural revolution in life- style, social organization, communes, counter universities, free theatre, anti-hospital movement, alternative 'underground' communication media, etc., which gathered momentum in the late sixties. - Important inventory of the social / cultural revolution in lifestyle, Social Organization, communities, universities counter, free theater, anti-hospital movement, alternative "underground" media communication, etc. which gathered momentum in the late sixties. , Contributions by contemporary expert- and cult-writers, such as Joseph Berke, Tuli Kupferberg, Simon Vinkenoog, Allen Ginsberg, Stokely Carmichael, Jeff Nutall and others. Contributions by contemporary and cult expert writers, Such As Joseph Berke, Tuli Kupferberg, Vinkenoog Simon, Allen Ginsberg, Stokely Carmichael, Jeff Nutall and others.



Nos. 1-2. London, July 1967 - March 1968. Folio, loose-leaf, kept in the original illustrated wrappers, printed on colored stock (slightly discoloured). .Ills.

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Nicely laid-out, printed on heavy stock, edited by Joseph H. Berke; editorial committee: Noel Cobb, Paul Zeal, G. Spencer Brown, Patrick Schofield, David Jay. Contr. incl.: 'Revolution Che Guevara'; Kilton Stewart ('Dream Theory in Malaya'); Gary Snyder ('Buddhism and the Coming Revolution', 'Passage to more than India'); Lawrence Ferlinghetti ('Fuclock'); Julian Beck ('Dialects of Liberation on the Theatre'); Joseph Berke ('The Anti University: Founding of the Free University of New York'); R.D. Laing ('the terror of security and the security of terror'); and poetry by Noel Cobb, Roberta Elzey, Jose Quinones, Georg Johannesen, Spike Hawkins, Calvin Hernton, John Keys. Typography, layout, covers by Jutta Werner; ills. (incl. double-page-ills.) by Dodo von Greiff, Harry Trevor, Hans Broeg, Frances Horne. Note in the 2nd issue: 'This issue: A dialectic between direct revolutionary action and cultural guerilla warfare.'



Settimanale di alternativa.

Numbers 0 - 1 (all published). Taranto, IT, 1976; 2 numbers, mimeographed, colour & b/w, side-stapled. 28x20,5 cm. (Alternative Press Syndicate member).

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Italian Underground. Experimental poetry, psychedelic art, rock music, new life styles, womens liberation, etc. Directed by Marcello Baraghini and edited by Zenlo, Cor, Aryes. Design, make-up and illustrations by Aryes. (Mangano 1998: pag. 141). - n. 0 (7 marzo 1976); 12 pages. Cor, «Viaggio nel feudo», Zenlo, «Da dove vengo. Fantapuzzle musicale» (visual poetry contribution with words in typewriter-script inserted over music notation lines). Interview with Keith Tippett, and a text «Pop indiscrezioni... e altre realtà» by Napo Kamassa; Joe il Magro, «Da Brindisi a Kabul». - n. 1 (14 marzo 1976): 20 pages (incl.cover). Napo Kamassa, «Small Faces» , «Ritratti di eroine: Rosa Luxemburg»; Cor, «Viaggio nel feudo»; Zenlo, «Da dove vengo. Fanta puzzle musicale»; Cor, «Uno dei problemi più scottanti del reame. La liberazione della donna»; Bob Dylan, «Visions of Johanna. Dedicata a Nico», text in English with Italian translation; George Yark, «Senza titolo»,Poetry Workshop. Cor, «Lettera aperta».


FREE CITY NEWS Free City Collective (aka The Diggers)

(Second collection of broadsides)

Complete set of 12 sheets (17 x 28 cm), printed in various colours (5 printed on both sides, other on one side), issued late 1967-early 1968 (San Francisco) without the original paperclip (which,when still attached, caused small defects to the right upper corners of the first, the last and one other sheet). First and last sheets print title and graphics on one side only. Stock of various quality and colours, various colours of ink were used. This fragile set in remakably good condition.

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Without the original paperclip.



Number 1 (of 2). Cleveland, OH: Free Love Press, [ca.1966] Mimeograph, side stapled. Quarto. Unpaginated.(44) A bit stained at bottom and back wrapper, light stain at right lower corner. The first of two issues published, Free Love Periodically featured poetry by poets who read at the fourth open poetry reading at the Gate in Cleveland, including Jeff Cook, da levy, Walter Keller, Tom Kryss, and more. As stated in the first issue, "Free Love Periodically will appear (& disappear whenever time & money (this is a capitalist trick) are available," and so it did. The second issue was edited by T.L. Kriss, due to levy’s stint in prison on charges of distributing obscene material

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The first of two issues published, Free Love Periodically featured poetry by poets who read at the fourth open poetry reading at the Gate in Cleveland, including Jeff Cook, d.a. Levy, Walter Keller, Tom Kryss, Russell Salamon, Kent Taylor, Malcolm Hall, don Thomas, jim lowell, matt shulman, rjs, Grace Butcher, Frank Osinski, John Wherry, Joe Walke and more. As stated in the first issue, "Free Love Periodically will appear (& disappear whenever time & money (this is a capitalist trick) are available," and so it did. The second issue was edited by T.L. Kriss, due to levy’s stint in prison on charges of distributing obscene material.


THE FREE PEOPLE (Anders Holmquist, photographs)

Photographs by Anders Holmquist, introduction by Peter Marin. New York, NY: Outerbridge & Dienstfrey, 1969. In illustrated wraps with mylar jacket. 20,3x16,3 cm. Unpaginated (120p+covers).

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Photobook by Swedish photographer Anders Holmquist,documenting hippie culture from California to New York. Largely shots from the Bay Area, specifically the Haight-Ashbury scene and various communes, including a nudist commune.



Number Zero. San Francisco: Beach Books, 1969. Orig. pictorial wrappers. With the safe conduct pass to "Hippie-land" laid in.

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Edited by Mary Beach. Contributors include Alan Ginsberg, Burroughs, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Ed Sanders, Hoffman, Wallace Berman, Rubin, Rubington, Owens, Pélieu, Tuli Kupferberg, and others. Numerous photographs and illustrations (Sun Love, Happening with The Soft Machine,1967; various photomontages). Cover by Tom Wright. Dedicated to Miles and International Times.



Nos. 1-58 (all publ.). Amsterdam, 1964-1971. Original pictorial wrappers;all issues in the original imprint, well preserved set. Added: two copies of UIT GANDALF GOED VOOR U (Amsterdam 1968, 1st and 2nd edition., plates, orig. unif. wr. Frontwr. of second ed. sl. waterstained).

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Dutch countercultural magazine, inspired by the Hippies, the sexual revolution and the Provo movement, published monthly, issues of ab. 50/60 pp. each, with numerous (provo-cative) photographs and ills., very typical for the sixties' , edited by and with contribs. of: Peter Hamelink, Guus Dijkhuizen, S. Carmiggelt, J. v. Hattum, Jef Last, Heere Heeresma, D.H. van Proosdey (Dichterskring), J.W. Holsbergen, Ch.B. Timmer, R. Campert, Guus Vleugel, Bibeb, Willem, Michiel de Ruyter, J. Waasdorp, K. Soudijn, P. Andriesse, L.P. Boon, R. Chapkis, J.A. Deelder, P. Grijs, J.W. Holsbergen, F. Pointl, J. Waasdorp, J. Wolkers. W. Noordhoek, Bertrand. Photos by F. Laufer, P. Boersma, E. v. Moerkerken, D. v.d. Klei, Peter Dicampo, Arn. Steenkamp. Erotic and provocative photography, Ills. by Wolinski, Barbieri, Bertrand (erotic drawings) and many others.



Nos. 1-6 (all published). Citadelle Press, London, May 1968 - 1969. Printed on various coloured stock, 30-34 pages per number, stapled into colourful pictorial wrappers; numerous ills. Mystical Scene Magazine. (Nos. 1-2: Fear Not- You are now entering Gandalf's Garden; No.3: A New World grows beneath the snows; No. 4: the inner zodiac wheels between the leaves; No. 5: beyond the brain& blown mind lies Gandal's Garden). Except for some very light soilage to covers in fine condition. Very rare. Added: CD: The complete Gandalf's Garden (signed by Muz Murray).

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Editors (Gandalf's Gardeners): Muz Murray. Field editor: Alex Lowsiewkee; Head Gardener: Gerry Snelling; Graphics: Pip Bassett, Francois Vasseur, June Cramer, Sue Soar, Ken Hayes, Geoffrey Carton, John Hurford, Carol Blain, Jay Amler, Pat Kyle, Steven Ridgeway, John Power, etc. ; Photography: Chris Ridley, Robin Chapman, Colin Bord, Andy Coventry, Selene, etc. Contributors include Peter Finch, John Mitchell, John Peel, Marc Bolan, Nicki Wood, Geoffrey Ashe, Barney Bubbles, Dave Cumliffe, Viv Broughton, etc. A monthly venture; later: Published as often as possible for people with love. And will appear again when the weather is right. It is the lifestyle of those who produce it. We hope it is yours. (The Voice of the Overground; Overground Free Press).



Number 1 (all published). Tangier (rather: Antwerp !). Spring 1964. Original pictorial wrappers (20 x 13 cm), 103 pages. Front cover and spine partly sunned, otherwise an excellent copy

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Expatriate Beat-journal edited/compiled by Ira COHEN in Morocco, with contributions by William Burroughs, Ian Summerville, Brion Gysin, Harold Norse, Allen Ginsberg, Michael McClure, J. Sheeper, Jack Smith, Marc Schleifer, Mohammed Ben Abdullah Yussifi, J. Weir, Stuart Gordon, Tatiana, and Alfred Jarry. The Antwerp Publisher Roger Binnemans of the ‘Ontwikkeling’ took care of printing and distribution of this legendary underground magazine. A copy of Gnaoua is to be seen in Daniel Kramer’s photograph on the front cover of Bob Dylan’s record sleeve ‘Bringing it all back home’ (1965). Look for it on the mantelpiece! The title Gnaoua comes from a Black African sect known for its exstatic dancing (Exorcism).



No. 3 d.a. levy issue. Toronto: Fleye Press (1967). First edition. 4to. [16 pp]. Fine in side-stapled wrappers, laid-into a bright yellow cover, printed on both sides.

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A special issue of Gronk. Edited by aylward, harris, nichol, smith. This issue features an excerpt from levy’s “Unmailed Letters to Ed Pederson and (the mysterious) Annburgers” and “to t.l.k. and John S.” Contributions also by bp nichol, David W. Harris, David McFadden, Ivro Vroom, bill bissett, Rah Smith, and Ernst Jandl. Protesting the obscenity charges brought on levy in 1966.



A Monthly Newspaper of Contemporary Kulchur

Volume 1 Number 1 and Number 2. January-June 1967. Tabloid. Folded newspapers. The scarce first 2 issues . (Number 2 complete, Number 1 lacks pages 13-16). Both issues folded; printed on newsprint in black and red added. Newsprint, yellowed; edgewear, in particular to the first issue.

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The first issues of this tabloid produced by an editorial team at the Detroit Artists' Workshop Press, From the second volume it changed to 'broadside' format and became a vehicle for marginal countercultural expression including revolutionary poetry and provocative political rhetoric. Published at the height of the White Panther - Detroit Free Press literary movement. Allen Van Newkirk was editor, with Ellen Phelan as art editor, and Michael McClure, Stan Brakhage, Diane Di Prima, John Sinclair ,Robert Kelly, David Meltzer, Gary Snyder, Joel Oppenheimer, Sun Ra, etc. No. 1 Includes Breton on Revolutionary Art, a 12 page Jazz Section, poetry by Di Prima, John Wieners and Michael McClure and more No. 2 Includes Tom Buri on William Burroughs, John Sinclair on Jazz and Bebop, poetry by Di Prima and Robert Kelly, Gilbert Sorrentino on avant-rock and more.



Living Painting Peinture Vivante

Poster (96x63 cm) by Anton Kothuys & Simon Posthuma.(1964). Donderdagavond 16 Juli 9 uur, Galerie "Uit de Kunst" Amsterdam.Folded to 31x24cm. Printed in Red and Black on beige. In very good fresh condition, unused (only small closed tear to upper margin). Some slight offsetting of ink which must have occurred during the printing process.

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Ravi Shankar, Appel, Presley, Boulez, Little Stevie, Coltrane, Vinkenoog, De la Montagne, Beatles, Dolphy, Van Gasteren, Bach, Fats Domino, Hitler, Rameau Coleman, etc.; Opname Lou van Gasteren; Genodigden: Paul Paulus V Prins Bernard etc.


HAPPENING NEWS (Panamarenko)

Number 1 (of 6 published) mimeographed/photocopied in blue, in a very small edition, with original artwork stapled under plastic covers, produced and published in Antwerp September 1965 by Panamarenko, Hugo Heyrman, Wout Vercammen and occasionally Yoshio Nakajima, - (Blue issue): WHAT'S HAPPENING. 16 pages. 4to. Very rare.

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Published by Panamarenko and others from the Antwerp Happening Scene. According to the Bibliography included in Happening & Fluxus, Materialien, Koelnischer Kunstverein 1970, there were 6 issues published, nos. 3-6 under a different title (Milkyways).


HAPPENING NEWS (Panamarenko)

Number 3. - (Orange issue): UNUEBERTROFFENE ORIGINAL. 18 pages. 4to. (this issue with Yoshio Nakajima) mimeographed/photocopied in a very small edition, with original artwork stapled under plastic covers, produced and published in Antwerp October 1965 by Panamarenko, Hugo Heyrman, Wout Vercammen and occasionally Yoshio Nakajima.

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Third issue (October 1965): 8pp. Xeroxed in black on white glossy paper (300 x 229 mm). Front page sprayed in orange (fluorescent). This issue has also a contribution by Thom Jaspers/Jasper Grootveld, with themes of Provo (Anti autocars, anti-war)



Nos. 12, 13, 15, 21, 24. London, Bournemouth, April 28,1969-December 1970. Large-folio, mimeographed sheets, with silkscreened covers. With drawings and comic illustrations.

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Aternative and counter-culture paper for free circulation. Contains summaries and articles on a broad range of subjects (i.a. on drugs, Amsterdam ("People say that Holland is such a low country the underground can live here in the open air"), women's liberation, sex, Dutch underground movements (Orange Free state, Kabouters). Most is unsigned, some names we found: George Dowden, John Gerassi, Desmond Banks, Charles Marshall, Jan Swagerman, Maricu Moisa, from Argentina(Graphic design)



A One-Shot Review. New York, 1960. Folio. Very fragile due to paper quality, loosening in the spine, in original wrappers.

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Important early Beat anthology, edited and published by Alfred Leslie, including contributions by Kerouac, Ginsberg, Corso, Frank O'Hara, Ashbery, Orlovsky, photographs by Robert Frank, a.o. Includes a facsimile edition of Fitz Hugh Ludlow's 'The Hasheesh Eater', the first full-length work of American drug literature. Good copy of this very fragile publication, slight wear, somewhat soiled and darkened from age.



The Magazine of High Society.

Vol. 1. No. 1. Summer 1974. First state with $1.00 price and "premiere issue" on the cover (grey and blue-green colored pictorial wrappers). Fully iIllustrated. 4to.

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The debut issue of the most successful and long-lived magazine about drugs and marijuana legalization. Contributions by Timothy Leary (Terra II), Jack Frazier (Hemp Paper Reconsidered), John Wilcock, A Lady Dealer Talks (drug dealer Lynn), a.o. Two page article on Tantric Yoga with explicit nude sex-photography. Fine.



The Magazine of High Society.

Nos. 1-10. Summer 1974 -June 1976. Bound in one volume, original wrappers preserved; only slightly trimmed. With all the advertisements. A good clean set.

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Editor: Ed Dwyer. From the announcement-letter (May 16, 1974): "The Trans-High Corporation of New York announced today the publication of a new magazine. It offers extensive and sophisticated coverage of the pleasure and psychochemical culture.... articles ranging from the ecology of cannabis paper to an investigative report on a nine-ton pot bust. A regular feature of High Times is a comprehensive Wall Street Journal-type listing of psychochemical prices around the world (=in fact 'High Witness News'). Also featured are medical and legal columns written by leading experts as well as eclectic reviews of films, records and books. psychochemicals have become the cause of psychological and sociological problems; to alleviate these problems, the first step is to take a more thorough look. This is the purpose of High Times." Contribs. by Richard Ashley, Bruce Eisner, Albert Goldman, Michael Horowitz, Ron Rosenbaum, John Wilcock, Deanne Stillman, a.o. Besides subjects mentioned above also articles on pop-music and interviews.



The Magazine of High Society.

Numbers 1-76. Summer 1974 - December 1981. In the original coloured wrappers, overall condition is excellent with some issues "like new" and others with only minor reading wear. Front and back covers all intact and fine (except for a rubberstamp on no.16 and an old mailing label on no 55;small ink mark on no 60; one spine split). The first in the premiere edition, First state with $1.00 price and "premiere issue" on the cover (grey and blue-green colored pictorial wrappers) A very rare ongoing set of the earliest period.

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Editor: Ed Dwyer. From the announcement-letter (May 16, 1974): "The Trans-High Corporation of New York announced today the publication of a new magazine.... It offers extensive and sophisticated coverage of the pleasure and psychochemical culture.... articles ranging from the ecology of cannabis paper to an investigative report on a nine-ton pot bust. ...A regular feature of High Times is a comprehensive Wall Street Journal-type listing of psychochemical prices around the world (=in fact 'High Witness News'). ..Also featured are medical and legal columns written by leading experts as well as eclectic reviews of films, records and books. ... psychochemicals have become the cause of psychological and sociological problems; to alleviate these problems, the first step is to take a more thorough look. This is the purpose of High Times." Contribs. by Richard Ashley, Bruce Eisner, Albert Goldman, Michael Horowitz, Ron Rosenbaum, John Wilcock, Deanne Stillman, a.o. Also interviews with (o.a.) the Dalai Lama, Albert Hofmann, Dr. Norman Zinberg, Andy Warhol, Peter Beard, Fran Lebowitz, Keith Richard, Marianne Faithfull, etc. In addition to the controversial drug coverage and in-depth countercultural articles, there is a sizeable amount of early punk rock coverage thanks to Tom Forcade's early interest in the Sex Pistols and punk music as the "next big thing". Forcade even provided funding for John Holmstrom's Punk magazine at one point. While High Times continues to this day, the focus here was on music related coverage and therefore this particular run ends in 1981 where the musical interest also begins to taper off.



Humor semanal para gente en serio.

Ano 1 nos. 1-14 (all publ.). Buenos Aires, 11 May m - 10 August 1967. 4to; original pictorial wrappers.

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Satirical magazine, in the style of 'Charlie' or 'Pardon', edited by Helvio I Botana, director:Luis Alb.Murray, artistic director: Juan Fresan a.o.; issues of 68 pages, with satirical drawings, photocompositions, critical and satirical texts (sexual freedom, erotism, anticonception, popular music, freedom of speech,underground, political themes etc.). Cartoons and strips, some of the artists signing Manucho, Caloi, Carlos Lucerno, Jalí, Brasco, a.o.



Europe's First Dope Magazine.

Nos. 1-10 (no more published, but lacking no 7)) London, Alchemy Publications. 1977-1981. Original illustrated wrappers; 4to.

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Publisher and Editor: Lee Harris. '...Home Grown will aim at presenting an enlightened and informative, as well as entertaining attitude to dope and related subjects..'. With illustrations. Contribs. incl.: C.I.A. Drug Experiments; New Wave and Speed; Mama Coca; Prison Letters of Danny de Souza; 'Peter Tosh: Rasta, Reggea and Ganja'; Drugs and Magic; High in Amsterdam; Laurence Cherniak: The Great Book of Hashish; Patti Smith: 'Alien to Alien', etc. Also book-reviews, letters, cartoons. Covers by: Hamish, John Higgins, Johnny Reno, Bryan Talbot, Don Irving, a.o.



The Offensive Review.

Nos. 1-4 (all published). Hermosa Beach (Calif.), Gauntlet Press, later Scum Publishing Company, 1965-1968. Original pictorial wrappers (very light soilage, rusting staples, otherwise very good).

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Founded and edited by the brothers Robert M. And Thomas W. Dunker, who made all the (some full-page and sometimes rather shocking) drawings, and Thomas W. Dunker, who wrote the articles. Issues of 46-50 pp., inclusive the covers. A typical specimen of a magazine from the sixties, that aims to offend the American establishment. Rare complete.



"The Mechanism of Brainbloodvolume ('BBV')" (also known as "Homo Sapiens Correctus")

Der Fall der Menschheit: Scroll. Text in german translation. 2.54 x 38 cm. Small defect left upper corner, and left bottm. No Loss of text. At the bottom: No signature but prined: Copyright. Bart Huges, Nov. 1962, Amsterdam.

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Leerboek van het hersenbloedvolume. FIT,POBox 10458, Amsterdam, printed in blue with colour illustrations. 12 x 18,5 cm.; 110 pp + wrappers. (wrappers lightly soiled).

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Farewell letter to his parents (Afscheidsbrief).

Mimeographed/from handwritten original, printed in blue, Recto and verso "Farewell letter to his parents", 1973. Reproaching his parents to be unwilling to seriously consider his theories. . *) Verkrijgbaar bij de Athenaeum boekhandel Spui 14-16 Amsterdam, signed "vaarwel, bart." Upper part of the letter damaged causing loss of two words, otherwise a good copy, extremely rare document. TOGETHER WITH: Trepanation The Cure for Psychosis. Hugo Bart Huges, 1970. A publication of the Foundation for Independent Thinking, Amsterdam. 38 pp. 4to, Stapled.

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Dubbelzijdig bedrukte afscheidsbrief aan zijn ouders, 1973. Hierin beschrijft Huges dat zijn ouders "niet goed genoeg zijn" daar ze weigeren "kennis van de feiten te nemen en op je beurt de anderen ervan op de hoogte te brengen dat de volwassene door trepanatie verlost kan worden van het down zijn (=het vagevuur, geflipt=de hel)".



"The Mechanism of Brainbloodvolume ('BBV')" (also known as "Homo Sapiens Correctus")

[Bart Huges] "Homo sapiens correctus" -(The Mechanism of brain Blood Volume). (Amsterdam, 1964), PUBLISHED IN THE FORM OF A SCROLL, text around 10 illustrations, titles in red felttip-pen, illustrations handcoloured in yellow, red and blue felttip-pen, title handwritten in red felttip-pen with signature at the lower end of the scroll: "Amsterdam, Bart Huges" and the note "Made in prison. Copy rights fl.100.000,-"

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Famous document from the 1960s.'The Scroll of Bart Huges'. (The man who peirced his head with a dentist's drill, ) together with other publications by and around Bart Huges. Huges advocates the creation of an altered state of mind concurrent with the use of LSD and marihuana.) His experiences after this psychedelic hallucinating experiment are recorded in this scroll, which is illustrated by 'scientific' images, which are handcoloured. The 'third eye' was revealed during a Happening "Stoned in the Streets' in Amsterdam, 1965.



"The Mechanism of Brainbloodvolume ('BBV')" (also known as "Homo Sapiens Correctus")

The Scroll: Dutch (original) version. Amsterdam / Antwerpen, Bart Huges. 1964, First Edition - Limited. Homo Sapiens Correctus: the So Called Scroll of Bart Huges.) in Dutch. 286 cm length, 41,5 cm width. - 10 drawings, handcoloured with feltpen by Huges. One long sheet of paper, in remarkably good condition, only some light waterstaining toward the end on the right hand side, and some waterstaining to the right bottom part.

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"The Mechanism of Brainbloodvolume ('BBV')" (also known as "Homo Sapiens Correctus")

Rare ensemble of the 4 different versions of the SCROLL OF BART HUGES : - The ORIGINAL VERSION IN DUTCH - The version in ENGLISH - The version in GERMAN (full size) - The reduced size version in GERMAN as follows: a) Amsterdam / Antwerpen, Bart Huges. 1964, First Edition - "Homo Sapiens Correctus": the So Called Scroll of Bart Huges in Dutch. 286 cm length, 41,5 cm width. - 10 drawings, handcoloured with feltpen by Huges. One long sheet of paper. This copy is SIGNED and numbered by Bart Huges: nummer 8 voor Toon Gallee (a physician, friend) of Huges in red felttippen. Scroll in parts waterstained and has light damages to the paper: 3 tears of ca 5 cm and a few minor ones. On the left top corner misses a triangle of 15 X 15 cm, infecting the first letters of the text b) Amsterdam, Bart Huges. 1964. English version. "Homo sapiens correctus" - (The Mechanism of brain Blood Volume). The so Called Scroll of Bart Huges in English, scroll, rolled, titles in red felttippen, illustrations handcoloured in yellow, red and blue feltpen with text around the ilustrations, with signature at the lower end of the scroll: "Amsterdam, Bart Huges" and the notice "Made in prison/ Copyrights 10.000" c) Der Fall der Menschheit: Text in german translation. 2.54 x 38 cm. Small defect left upper corner, and left bottom. No Loss of text. At the bottom: No signature but printed: Copyright. Bart Huges, Nov. 1962, Amsterdam. d) Das Ego. Der Grosse Mechanismus: abbreviated german text. Scroll: Size 1.16x 38 cm. Bart Huges, Copyright, Nov. 1965. Amsterdam.

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Famous document from the 1960s.'The Scroll of Bart Huges'. (The man who pierced his head with a dentist's drill, Huges advocates the creation of an altered state of mind concurrent with the use of LSD and marihuana.) His experiences after this psychedelic hallucinating experiment are recorded in this scroll, which is illustrated by 'scientific' images, which are handcoloured. The 'third eye' was revealed during a Happening "Stoned in the Streets' in Amsterdam, 1965. Hugo Bart Huges (also Hughes) (April 23, 1934 . September 12, 2004) was a Dutch librarian and proponent of trepanation. He attended medical school at the University of Amsterdam, but was refused a degree due to his advocacy of marijuana use. In 1964 he published "The Mechanism of Brainbloodvolume ('BBV')" (also known as "Homo Sapiens Correctus") a scroll in which he proposed that trepanation could be used to enhance brain functionality by balancing the proportion of blood and cerebral spinal fluid. Hughes believed that, when mankind began to walk upright, our brains drained of blood and that trepanation allowed the blood to better flow in and out of the brain, causing a permanent "high.". Using an electric drill, Huges drilled a hole in his skull on 6 January 1965.[ His experiences after this psychedelic hallucinating experiment are recorded in this scroll, which is illustrated by 'scientific' images, which are handcoloured. The 'third eye' was revealed during a Happening "Stoned in the Streets' in Amsterdam, 1965.



"The Mechanism of Brainbloodvolume ('BBV')" (also known as "Homo Sapiens Correctus")

Important contemporary file of documents related to the Trepanation happening. - stencilled open letter to Prof. Ariëns Kappers, 23 aug. 1965 (in dutch and in french transl.), -together with small booklet "Waarheid en Werkelijkheid/ Truth and Reality". Arcadia Pers, Bloemendaal 1965. Printing the text of the open letter. - stencilled open letter to Prof. P.C.Kuiper, head of the psychiatric clinic where Huges was unvoluntarily interned after the trepanation. - copy of 2 letters from George De Roo, (one to Jacques Lebel) - 12 clippings from (partly Belgian) newspapers reporting on the trepanation Happening. - copy of the Belgian weekly "Zondagmorgen" with 8 full pages containing many photographs reporting on Bart Huges and the Trepanation (The Third Eye).-handwritten memo (Martin van Ameongen) on the tv presentation by Willem Duys (24/7/1965).

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Nos. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 (Noodnummer). (The Hague), 1967-1968. Tabloid: with illustrations (lightly stained, but a good set).

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Underground paper published in The Hague. Innovative lay-out; and lots of psychedlic art. Articles on sex, drugs and anti-Vietnam.Member of U.P.S. And connected with IT (International Times). No. 17 confiscated (article Provoliquidation Kommittee Amsterdam signed by Hans Tuynman, as well as Miss Vietnam, full page (Vostell).



Number 16 (=last issue published) . . Buffalo: Mike Aldrich, Jan.-Feb. 1968. Mimeographed sheets of varying colors stapled at one corner. One of 300 copies evidently out of the English Dept. SUNY at Buffalo (SUNYAB).

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Edited by Michael Aldrich. This is the "Mantra" issue dedicated to Allen Ginsberg who was making an appearance in Buffalo, also the fnal issue. Virtually all content by Aldrich, an exception being a letter to him from Ginsberg, a page of Mantras "as taught by AG", and a reprinted essay by Ginsberg on mantras. Other work includes reviews of The Fugs and Dylan albums. Mike Aldrich was a doctoral student at UB and began a LEMAR (legalize marijuana) chapter on campus. (There is much online regarding "Dr. Dope" as he became known and the "Fiedler Scandal".) An early artifact in the legalization of marijuana, by one of the founders indeed scholars of the movement. It is likely that the last few pages are missing as references to a review of the Rolling Stones album and "the latest on the Fiedler Case" intimate that pages are not present. Otherwise, with faults like a coffee ring stain, a good copy. Even incomplete it is rare - only seven institutions hold copies of any issue (only a couple with this issue) as found on WorldCat or commerce as of 10/18/18.



Number 6. Amsterdam, (n.d.) 1966. 27,5 x 11 cm.

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Edited by Koos Zwart (contributions: Ole Eshuis, Han Zuidhoek,Peter van Besouw). A rival imitation of Provo, similar contents and lay-out. This issue mimeographed, original typewriter art and illustrations.



The magazine of the psychedelic community.

Vol. 1 nos. 1- 5 (all published). New York, 1966-1967. Size (h/w): 28,5 x 26,7 cm. Stapled in original illustrated wrappers. (very mild soilage to all numbers, No. 1 frontcover with near invisibly repaired closed tear ; No. 3 backcover has small ad cut out.but otherwise quite good). Rare complete

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Edited by Linn House, managing editor: Peter Weinberg. Contributing ediotrs: Peter Stafford, Ira Einhorn. Staff artist: Linda Jarvis.I ssues of 24-32 pages, printed in offset in vartious colours, fully illustrated. Part of the Underground Press Syndicate. Number 5 is the "American Indian Issue" and contains a letter referring to issue no. 4. Contains articles and reports on drugs, be-ins, etc. with correspondents in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Beirut, Berkeley, Nashville, later also Bombay, Amsterdam, Cleveland, etc.



giornale murale, rivista underground clandestina stampata in eliografia, creata da Matteo Guarnaccia e priva di autorizzazione del tribunale.

The last two published numbers , as follows: - No. 16 (1975): 38x118 cm., folded into 16 pages. «Viaggio in India». - No.17 (1975): 38x118 cm., , folded into 8 pages. «La città». (=end of publication). Both issues in very good condition, folded as issued.

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Underground mural with wonderful psychedelic illustrations, clandestinely published and printed in heliogravure, by Matteo Guarnaccia. In total 17 numbers were published (between 1970 and 1975) with extraordinary artwork. No 16: Insekten-sektesedici. Foglio di libidinogastyrikottika!!. Dir.resp. Utrille Frillobite. No. 16, Anno 5. No. 17: Unumero diciasette farcito



Numero unico [number 1], (Milano), 1977 (ottobre), 43x31 cm, , 4 pages, 3 photographs.

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Situationist journal, Numero Unico probably 3 numbers published. Prints a text by Raoul Vaneigem (Il ghetto di Varsavia) and by Giorgio Cesarano (Insurrezione). [Bibliografia: AA.VV,, "Passare il segno, Milano, Biblioteca di via Senato, 2008: pag. 127].



journal for mind-moving plants and culture/ zeitschrift für geistbewegende pflanzen und kultur

Nos. 1-5 in 5 volumes (all published). Eschenau (D), Bilwis Verlag 1991-1995. Orig. wrappers, 30x22 cm/, 78 + 156 + 88 + 128 + 80 pp.

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More or less the continuation of Revue Integration, the journal by Herman de Vries. Edited by Wolgang Bauer, Herman de Vries, Martin Hanslmeier, and others. Contributions in English and German, book-reviews, information bulletin etc.



Number 1 (all publ.). San Francisco (City Lights Bookstore), 1967. Roneotyped on yellow stock,one-sided, stapled.

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Edited by Lawrence Ferlighetti, with contibutions by Allen Ginsberg ("Two Entries One Day's Journals" and "Henri Michaux "), Bob Kaufman, Spyros Meimarias, Jean-Jacques Lebel, Carl Salomon, Claude Pelieu, Mendes Monsanto, etc. Editorial policy is "Fuck for Peace, Legalize Marijuana, Rock Folk, Demystify Human Violence, Super-Impose Images of Ecstasy. 'What is here is Elsewhere, what is not here is Nowhere".




Nos. 1-3 ( all published), New York, London, 1977-1980. Tabloid format, unbound, folded newsprint sheets offset printed in b&w [with red color added on the cover of no. 2]. Handwritten additions in red marker last pager of first number. On the front of no 1 remainder of old price sticker No 1: 20 pages light toning,fine; No. 2: Domestic Violence Issue. 16 pages, very small tears to right margin of the last pages, light toning, very good condition; No. 3: Anti War Issue 20 pages, slightly enlarged,better paper; light damage to righthand margin of front page and a few later papers, very good condition.(This number produced by ExitstencilPress, c/o Rough Trade,202 Kensington Pard Rd., London W11) ;

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Edited by Gee Vaucher, a graphic designer working in New York, known for her striking photocompositions on feminism and pacifism, and opposing consumer culture, violence and war. An important number of these remarkable collages are full page in this magazine. The periodical also included contributions from Crass members Penny Rimbaud and Eve Libertine. Vaucher designed record sleeves Crass .Numbers 2 and 3 have the Crass-Logo on the front page. Number 2 has the famous "Soldier" with red lips on the front.



Posters: 1.(Raoul Vaneigem, Bertrand, Gérard Joannes): Camarades ceci n'est qu'un commencement pour en avoir plus sur vous-même… Lisez la revue Internationale Situationiste. Le numéro 11 vient de paraitre. Boite Postal 30703, Paris. ; Imp. Les Presses du Marais, 5, rue Aubriot, Paris. Poster on thicker white paper, 37x55,5 cm., printed in black with red. Nice clean copy. 2. (A. Bertrand): Le Retour de la colonne Durutti. Strasbourg, Association Fédérative Générale des Etudiants de Strasbourg (AFGES). Octobre

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Collection of 'Internationale Situationniste' TOGETHER WITH the corresponding international sections, as described below. Together 18 original issues - INTERNATIONALE SITUATIONNISTE. Bulletin central édité par les sections de l'internationale situationiste. Nos. 1-12 (all publ.). Paris, juin 1958 - septembre 1969. 8vo; original wrappers (each in a different colour metallic board, No. 2 in the 2nd edition), kept in black cloth slipcase, with silver paper spine. An unusually well preserved set with minor flaws to the metallic wrappers, only no. 1 a bit damped and no 3 with small impertfection on the right margin). - SITUATIONIST INTERNATIONAL. Review of the American section of the I.S. Number 1 (all publ.). New York, June 1969. Original cover, 48 pp.; very good condition - INTERNAZIONALE SITUAZIONISTA. Rivista delle sezione italiana dell'I.S. Number 1. Milano, July 1969. Original green cover, ill., 144 pp.; only minor damage to the metallic wrappers. - DIVERSION. Number 1. Brooklyn, June 1973. Original salmon pink metallic cover, ill., 56 pp.; very good condition, small faint rest of dogear right upper corner of front wrapper; - SITUATIONISTISK REVOLUTION. Centralorgan for den skandinaviske sektion af situationistisk internationale. No. 1. Copenhagen, Internationale Situationniste scandinavian section, October 1962. 40 pp. Original silver metallic cover a tiny bit damaged, still very good - DER DEUTSCHE GEDANKE. Organ der Situationistischen Internationale für Mittleuropa. No. 1. Brussels, Internationale Situationniste german section, April 1963. 40 pp. Original gold metallic cover in very good condition.Illustrated. - THE BEGINNING OF AN EPOCH. First published in No. 12 of Int.Suiruationiste. Signed by .C. andf T.V.; 64 pages with illustrations; in orig. red illustrated wrappers.

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- Internationale Situationiste: Director: Guy Debord. Contributions by Mohamed Dahou, Asger Jorn, Gius, Pino-Gallizio, M. Wyckaert, H. Sturm, Kotanyi, Lausen, Vaneigem, Trocchi, Théo-Frey, Michèle Bernstein, Constant, a.o. - Situationist International: Editorial Committee: Robert Chasse, Bruce Elwell, Jonathan Horelick, Tony Verlaan. Articles: 'Certain Extraordinary Consideratoins Contributing to the Understanding of the Devolution of Capitalism and Bureaucratization of Existence', 'The Practice of Theory. The Situationist International', etc. - Internazionale Situazionista: Ed. by: Claudio Pavan, Paolo Salvadori, Gianfranco Sanguinetti. Articles: 'Il Ritorno della Rivoluzione Sociale', 'Banalità di Base', etc. - Diversion: Ed. by Jon Horelick. Articles: 'The Poverty of Ecology', 'News of Disalienation', 'The Shattering of Bureaucratic Power in Polan', 'The Practice of the Truth. The Crisis of the Situationist International', etc. - Situationisk Revolution . Edited by Michèle Bernstein, Guy Debord, Atilla Kotanyi, Uwe Lausen, J.V. Martin, Raoul Vaneigem, Alexander Trocchi. Director: Jeppesen Victor Martin. - Der Deutsche Gedanke: Brussels, Internationale Situationniste german section. Director: Raoul Vaneigem.



Voll. 1-3 (all publ.) Genova, E.C.A.T. Libri, 1975 - 1977 (maggio); Original pictorial wrappers, typed, mimeographed.

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The first Italian translation by Sergio Carlini. of the first 6 numbers of «Internationale Situationniste»: Vol. I (1975): 22,6x19,4 cm.,; Vol II (febbraio 1976): 22,4x19,4 cm. ; Vol. III (maggio 1977): 20x21 cm. Not more published after this.



Virginia, Newport News/Ned Brooks, 1973-1976. Included are 13 issues of the zine edited by Ned Brooks: Nos. 6, 7, 8 (1973), 11,12, 13 (1974), 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 (1975) 21, 23 (1976). All stapled mimeographed sheets, 28 x 21.5 cm, generally containing around 20 pages. Added are: 12 copies of The Newport News, an A4 stencilled newsletter sheet published by Ned Brooks, mostly dating from 1974; the Raritan Peace News Vol 1 No.21 April 30 1968 Final Edition, 4 stapled pages; and Alternative Vol 2 No.4 (unda-ted, published by highschool students).

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Featured is a curious collection of reviews and listings of fanzines, literary magazines, underground press, and books that were recently released. Various artists such as Greg Spagnola, Sheril Birkhead and Sue Donohue-Kallista designed drawings for the cover. Most copies feature age wear, moderate soiling and bumped corners, some pages are loose. Ned Brooks (1938 – 2015), Cuyler Warnell “Ned” Brooks Jr., was a Virginia based collector of books, fanzines and typewriters. His long-running (pers)zines 'It Comes in the Mail' and 'It Goes on the Shelf' are largely devoted to reviews.




Nos. 1-5 (all publ.). Paris, vendredi 23 mai - 26 juin 1969. Large-folio; Unbound, fine.

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Students rebellion, flower power, sexual revolution in France: this shortlived weekly (of 16 pp./issue) was directed by Alain Valtat, with contribs. by Jean Streff, Alain de la Haute-Maison, André Laude, Yves Lancelot, François Pagery, etc.; illustrations and satirical drawings by Vasco, Willem (Chez les métèques nos.2-5), Wolinski, Pétillon, etc.; numerous photographic ills.; articles featuring Johnny Halliday, Wilhelm Reich, Les Lycéens: La révolution ou la fesse, etc.



A Visionary & Revolutionary Review.

Number 1: Love-Shot Issue. San Francisco, City Lights Books, 1961; Number 2: On the barricades. Revolution and Repression (1968 Number 3: Green Flag (1969); Number 4: (1978) A commemorative issue published by The CoEvolution quarterly, issue no 19. (all published). San Francisco, City Lights Books, 1961-1969 (1978). 4 issues, (No. 1 & 2: 30x 16,5cm,No. 3: 25x11,5 cm; No. 4: 27,3x 18,5 cm).; original wrappers (light foxing and staining, but altogether very good).

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No. 1 Love Shot Issue. Editors: Michael McClure, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, David Meltzer. Other contribs. by Bertrand Russell (Statement of July 23), Gary Snyder, Antonin Artaud, Gregory Corso (Interview with Allen Ginsberg), Albert Camus, Michael McClure, Allen Ginsberg, Norman Mailer, etc.; A Photo Essay ("Death") by James Mitchell. - No. 2 is entirely devoted to the May 1968 uprisings in France, with an excellent photo documentation of Paris May. Photos by Caron, posters by students of the Ex-Beaux Arts, texts by Marcuse, etc. -No. 3 (Green Flag) is edited by Corrie, Sandra and Stine, Laura. People's Park Poetry. No. 4: (1978). Rebirth of City Lights' "A Visionary & Revolutionary Review" disguised as a CoEvolution Quarterly. Included: Artaud, Brecht, Creeley, Ginsberg, Kerouac, Ishmael Reed, Vachel Lindsay, Walt Whitman, Thoreau, Ben Shahn, Herbert Read, many others. Pages uniformly tanned, as expected, a hint of age-toning to the covers, else a fine, unread copy in illustrated cardstock covers.



Number 5, May 1968 La lutte continue. (with blue stamp of the ‘atelier populaire’). Silkscreened folded poster, printed in green (148 x 88 cm). Folded but in fine condition, just a few minor tears in the margin.

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With information in the following sections and on the following dates: Marins-Pecheurs 18 juin; Fascisation 19 juin; Peugeot - Sochaux 19 juin; Citroën 20 juin; La greve continue (province) 20 juin.



Vol. 1 no. 2. Winter 1967-68. San Francisco. The Haight-Ashbury Medical Clinic. "Psycehdelic Drugs and Religion". 146 pages, Orig. Wrappers (very light soilage).

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Edited by David E. Smith. Articles by Timothy Leary (The religious experience), John Luce (Hippies and the Media),Meher Baba (LSD), the psychedelic experience and psychotherapy, Hippies and Early Christianity, etc.



GENERAL HERSHEYBAR. Den Haag (NL), Handicap Publications (1967). Only published issue: 28x21,5 cm., stapled, 128pp.

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General Hersheybar (aka Calypso Joe) is a satirical character of the Vietnam War-era protest movement, who parodied U.S. General Lewis B. Hershey, then Director of the Selective Service. He was usually seen partnered with General Waste More Land (aka Tom Dunphy), a parody of General William Westmoreland. The characters were common at street theater performances and demonstrations against U.S. military involvement in Vietnam. General Hersheybar would appear in a comical military uniform complete with a plastic toy fighter-jet attached to his "officer's cap" and hand out fliers promoting his satirical diatribe. In addition he self-published several monographs and booklets. A one shot underground magazine from the sixties from the eccentric anti-war hero. Profusely illustrated by collage, including clipping from other underground press magazines of the era. Scarce; oclc locates but three copies.



A pamphlet of 8 sheets, folio, stencilled, with typewritten texts by Nicolaas Kroese, 1. to the Ministry of Public Health in The Hague (Aan Zijne Excellentie Dr. A.J.H,.Bartels), addressed to Kankerinstuituut in Amsterdam, and 2. a letter to Deutsche Krankenversicherungs AG in Stuttgart, 3. a letter to the 3 Jewish communities in Amsterdam (undated, but ca. 1964).

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Contents relate to alternative cures for Cancer, different kinds of radiation ("mito-genetic radiation", sic!) and the development of a device to undo radiation ("phylax entstrahlungs-geraet"), and much more. Also a letter to the thee Jewish communities in Amsterdam, regarding "Biblical mathematics,geometry,Pythagorese harmony theory, harmonious and disharmonious mathematics, etc."



Hrsg. v. Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Karl Markus, Harald Wieser.

Heft 1-86. Frankfurt a. M., Berlin, 1965-1986 Original wrappers.

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Contribs. include Astel, Bachman, W.Benjamin, M.Bierwisch, R.Jakobson, H.Marcuse, G.Walraff, W.Wondrascheck and also many foreign contribs. N.Chomsky, F.Castro, J.Cortázar, C.Lévi-Strauss, Mao-Tse-tung, etc. (King, p.69)



Nos. 1-2 (All published). San Francisco: Vortex Printers / The Last Times, 1967-1968. Two tabloid issues; Illustrated wrappers; [16], [14]pp; illus. Issue 1 with light dust soil to front wrapper and a few small creases, near fine. Issue 2 is the orange and red variant; faint horizontal fold at center, with a few small stains to front wrapper.

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Edited by Charles Plymell, Claude Pelieu, Doug BlazeK, Dennis Mazer. Complete run of one of the most beautiful magazines of the sixties. Contributions by Doug Blazek, Bob Kaufman, Carl Solomon, Herbert Huncke, Charles Plymell, Claude Pelieu, Carl Weissner. d.a. levy, Charles Bukowski (Notes of a Dirty Old Man), William S. Burroughs (Day the Records Went Up), and Allen Ginsberg (Television Baby Crawling Toward That Death Chamber). No.1 contains an early piece by R. Crumb.



Voor een strijdend socialisme.

Vol. 1-4. Amsterdam, 1965-1968. Wrappers, tabloïd format; (3 issues in vol.3 are missing).

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Organ of the left-wing socialists, edited by Jan Blok, W. Brinkman, H. Drenth, Ton Regtien, H. Neudecker, Th. van Tijn, W. Tieleman. Influential in Provo-times and Provo-related.



Vol. 1 no. 1 (all publ). New York, 1965. Size (h/w): 20,2 x 16,3 cm. 80 pp. Original illustrated wrappers.

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Edited by Miles and Ted Berrigan. Contributions by Allen Ginsberg, Tuli Kupferberg, Jeff Nuttall, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Ted Berrigan, Ron Padgett, Michael Horovitz, Geoffrey Thurley, Gerard Malanga, Brian Patten a.o.



(two issues, all published). NY: Friends World Institute [1965]. Two issues, the first fine, the second near fine with a small dampstain along the bottom edge, both 28x21,5. side-stapled wrappers, mimeographed on coloured stock.

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With contributions by Richard Krech (later of Undermine Press and Avalanche), Dale A. Smith, Martha Krech, and others. The editors of this magazine,being of draft age, hereby state their refusal to fight against the people of Vietnam.



[Only issue published] Postersize sheet, folded into 6 pages, printed in purple on one side: Numero Unico in attesa di autorizzazione, Torino, 1973 (febbraio/maggio); 70x64 cm.

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Poster printed in heliogravure, texts by Gianni Milano «a proposito di tutti questi posti sacri» and Giulio Tedeschi. Psychedelic illustrations



Organe québécois de la pensée magique, du rock international, et du gay sçavoir.

No. 1 [octobre 1970] thru No. 78 [Eté 1978]. Quebec, Mainmise, 1970-1978. Nos 1 à 20 and number 'Best of La dope'”, [1972], 21 numbers in-8 [11,5 X 18,5 cm] ab.224/240 pages,illustsrated, Nos 21 à 52, 32 numbers [20 X 27,5 cm.] comprising 64 pages each, illustrated,stapled; Nos. 53 à 78, 26 numbers [29 X 37 cm]. Each 48 pages, illustrated. All numbers with a different illustrated over. Added: Le petit supplément illustré” Nos 1- 9. 1975. [Complete ?] 9 numbers [36X 27cm.] 176 pp of comics with coninuing pagination.

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Rock international. Founded by Jean Basile and Georges Khalm, member of the Underground Press Syndicate (publié par Pénélope, distribué par les Messageries du Jour). Complete collection of this periodical of the counter-culture movement of Quebec, advocating and reporting on alternative lifestyles and utopian ideology. Abundantly illustrated a.o. by Robert Crumb, R. Cobb, Guynard, M. Pouliot, Baloune etc, Articles and contributions by Pénélope & Linda Gaboriau, Christian Allegre, Jean Basile Bezroudnoff, Kenneth Chalk, Georges Kahl, Denis Vanier, Raymon Lavallée, Buckminster Fuller, Marshall McLuhan, L. Clark Steven, Timothy Leary, Alan Watts, a manifest of homosexual liberation (Carl Wittman), etc. Special issues on all the topics of the time: drugs, free sex, free schools, ecological issues, the media, womens liberation, etc. All in good condition except for some flaws to the covers of numbers 21-28-31-37-47-49 and 52 and ballpen mark on number 40. Number 4 has the folding Quebec-Marijuana-banner which was a supplement.



A Magazine to Coordinate Marijuana Information.

Vol. 1 no 1-8 (of 9 published). Buffalo,NY., Oct./Dec.1968 - Oct./Dec. 1971. Orig.selfwrappers, 4to.; illustrated, on newsprint, slight foxing and some light staining; front page of no 4 with small stain no 8 with small defect, otherwise in good condition. Rare in a set.

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Published by LEMAR International, edited by Michael Aldrich and Ed Sanders. Consultants: Allen Ginsberg, Leslie Fiedler, Joseph Oteri, Maria Juanita, and others. Contributions by John Sinclair, (d.a.levy) , Tim Leary, William Burroughs, John Kaplan, Lisa Bieberman. No. 1: Artwork John Chick; (No. 2 dedicated to d.a.levy, who died in Cleveland the previous November; No. 3: Frontcover Tim Leary, dedicated to the Leary case; No. 4: The Marijuana War; No.5: Free Tim Leary; No.6 front page drawing Donald Grau; No. 7: Cannabis papers). Artwork and photographs: Robin Sommers, Dana Young, John Chick, John Sanna, Doug Griffin, Donald Grau, Leni Sinclair, Tom Wright, etc. No. 8:defect on page 1/2, where two small lines from the colophon-text were cut out.; this affects the image somewhat, but else the numebr is quite good. No. 9, Septemer 1973 was the last published number.



Several changes of name: Mary-Jane Quarterly; MajoonQuarterly, etc

A group of 7 issues: Vol. 1 no 2; Vol. 2 no 1 & 2 & 4; Vol. 3 no 3 & 4; Vol. 4 no- 2. Cleveland, Renegade press, 1964-65, 1967, 1967/68. Seven issues, all excellent condition. Original illustrated wrappers; 4to; mimeographed leaves; stapled in spine; cover of the second issue with marginal tape-marks; spine of no 3 (which has an original watercoloured front wrapper) a bit damaged, but otherwise excellent.

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-Vol. 1 no 2: marRAhwannA QuaRterly 2, Winter 1964-65..Cleveland, Renegade Press ,1964. 21,5 x 15 cm, [26] pages, light green and beige heets of various sizes, stapled into beige card stock, printed letterpress. Mimeographed fold-out sheet at rear. One of 150 copies (rendered as marRAhwannA on the front cover and Marrawanna on the verso). Light soiling to wrappers, toning to some page edges, rusting to the two staples, and general handling wear. A Very Good copy of this rare publication. Edited by d.a.levy. Concrete and visual poetry, typewriter poetry - Vol. 2 no 1:THE MARY JANE QUARTERLY, Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1966 Stapled sheets with printed cover, one of 200 copies, letterpress cover, mimeograph. Issue dedicated to Guru Ronald Jump, imprisoned for poverty. Book review by levy (?) of Charles Bukowski’s Confessions of a Man Insane Enough to Live with Beasts. - Vol. 2 no 2. THE MARIJUANA QUARTERLY, Cleveland: Renegade Press, 1966 Stapled sheets with printed cover,one of 200 copies, letterpress cover, mimeograph. This issue is dedicated to John Sinclair. (On cover: Do not Smoke te Marijuana Quarterly as a Religious Sacrament) - Vol. 2 no 4: T.H,.U.N.D.E.R. Agent. God is on our Side. Levy, Allen Ginsberg, D.R.Wagner, T.L.Krys; Vol. 3 no 3 mimeographed leaves (rectos only), side-stapled and glued into an original watercolored outer wrapper by d.a. levy; 34 unnumbered leaves, plus outer wrapper; The concrete issue, with statements by B.P. Nichol and d.a. levy, followed by contributions by T.L. Kryss, levy, Julian Kallander, David W. Harris, Russell Atkins, B.P. Nichol, Adam Kadmon, "Linda", E.S. Harmon, Bill Bissett, E.R. Baxter, Robert J. Sigmund, D.R. Wagner, and Mara.; - Vol. 3 no 4 incl. poetry by T.L. Kryss, Al Bell, S.M. Kane, drawing by Steve Ferguson, silk-screen cover by Kryss; - Vol. 4 no 2 contains poems by Don Thomas, BJT, E.R. Baxter, front-cover by Toni Thomas, back-cover by Sandy-Jo Hickel.



a poem & a play by George Montgomery (dated New York 1966). 7 flowers press. Cleveland, Ohio1966. Introduction by d.a. levy (cleveland ohio, center of the mid-east mind revolution). 24 pages, green and pink paper, stapled in the left margin.

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"Dedicated to Timothy Leary. People. The Human Mind. My children. Peace & Freedom". On the front cover an unsigned drawing and "Bambu, Zigzag,Tops, Ritz-La, Dagmar" (cigarette papers), "Banned in U.S.A."



Number 1 ( All published), (Roma), Stampalternativa Editrice, 1976 (no date, but dicembre 1976), 22,5x16 cm, 32 pages in illustrated pink wrrapper printed in red and black.

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Italian underground periodical,close to INSEKTEN SEKTE, entirely illustrated by Matteo Guarnaccia, cartoons and text illustrations. An"editorial" on page 2: "Peggio dei pidokki! Nonostante cinque anni di grattamenti micidiali e di nebulizzazione di ogni skifezza kimika e ideologika non sono riusciti a skacciarci dalla cute sociale. In Minestrone confluiscono gli adepti della Setta degli Insetti [Insekten Sekte], le mamme realizzate, i depravati cultori delle mollezze orientali, gli spettri dei caduti sulla strada del Nirvana, l'F.L.N.P. (Fronte di Liberazione Nonne e Pensionati), il collettivo auonomo Il Mondo è Bello perché è Vario, nonké i compagni di Lotta Libera Amore Continuo. (...) Noi (...) siamo i depositari del grande segreto planetario di questo mondo, ke riveleremo all'istante: vive nel ghetto ki accetta il modello proposto dalla classe dominante, che vuole privarci dela gioia di esistere! Oggi, come sempre, è il primo giorno del resto della nostra vita! Csikké (?) mentre i porci con o senza ali vengono abbattuti dalle kontraeree karmike, noi pidokki continuiamo a ingrassare!!! E rikordate! La realtà è dalla nostra! (Ovvero: "la spazzatura di un uomo è la torta di un altro"). Collettivo Editoriale Bakko Tabakko & Venere".



Psychedelisch bulletin (en tijdschrift voor bewustzijnsverandering en drugs. Cosmic Circuit).

Nos. 1-11 (all publ.). Amsterdam, 1968-1969. 4to; mimeographed; (Nos. 3 and following have illustrated front covers; , nos. 4 and 9 handcoloured; Number 11 is Speciaal Surrealistisch Nummer. Set in good condition except for some toning and light staining, but all in original first printing. Together with: Moksha.Jaarboek voor Bewustzijns Verandering. Ca. 180 Nnn)pages, in orig.wrapper.

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The first Dutch publication to deal with psychedelics and drugs in an informative way, which laid without doubt the basis for this countries' later liberal and tolerant attitudes in this respect. Editor was Hans Geluk, with contribs. by Hans Plomp, Alexander Koppenol, Richard Huebner, Herman Cohen, Rik Lina, etc. articles about effects provoked by drugs, history of drugs, translations of articles from the foreign specialised, medical and psychiatric press, etc.with psychedelics and drugs in an informative way, which laid without doubt the basis for this countries' later liberal and tolerant attitudes in this respect. Close to the Provo movement. Editor was Hans Geluk, with contribs. by Hans Plomp, Alexander Koppenol, Richard Huebner, Herman Cohen, Rik Lina, etc. articles about effects provoked by drugs, history of drugs, translations of articles from the foreign specialised, medical and psychiatric press, etc . Number 11 is Cosmic Circuit: Zwart zon/Bloem in opstand. Surrealistische manifestatie in Scheveningen,oktober 1969.



News from this Other World, an Inventory in Nine Languages.

Riva San Vitale: Edizioni Geiger, 1971. 58 pp. Hint of sunning along spine, else fine in stapled wrappers.

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Edited by Franco Beltrametti and Judith Danciger, Texts by Beltrametti, Lew Welch, Cid Corman, Han Shan, Gary Snyder, Allen Ginsberg, Philip Whalen, Liliane Lijn, Jaime de Angulo, and others in the original languages. There is record of another periodical published in The Netherlands) in 1977, also edited by Beltrametti, only this time in 16 languages. So possibly this is one of two issues published.



A group of 12 numbers comprising: Nos. 5 - 17 (out of 17 published). Barnet, Herts., May 1964--Sept. 1966. Mimeographed sheets, foolscap stapled. Illustrated. Individually cut pages, with some issues featuring 'designed' stains, gaps cut into the text, see-through burns, and inserts.

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Edited by Jeff Nuttall. Amongst other things important for the collaboration of Burroughs, who introduced his own newspaper, called variously (The Burrough and The Moving Times) , also with Claude Pélieu and Carl Weissner. No.5 No date (May 1964). Contains the first appearance of The Moving Times, defined by Nuttall as Burroughs' "programmed assault on reality" via the cut-up method. Described as a 'Special Tangier Edition', the cover has a full-page drawing of Burroughs wearing a fez. (M&M C100). Also: Jeff Nuttall. Light staining, mostly on the blank back-page No. 6 No date (July 1964). The "Cut-Up Issue", with most pages having been cut into eight squares which are stapled at edges to backing sheet. Contains "Afternoon Ticker Tape" in The Burrough, appearing as the last two pages of My Own Mag. In "St. Louis Return" Burroughs refers to this magazine appearance, "an experiment in newspaper format…largely a rearrangement of phrases from the front page of The New York Times, September 17, 1899, cast in the form of code messages." (M&M C95). Also: B.S. Johnson; Anselm Hollo; Keith Musgrove; Jeff Nuttall. A bit stained, rusting on the staples No.7 No date (July 1964). Contains "Bring Your Problems to Lady Sutton Fix" and "Over the Last Skyscrapers a Silent Kite", in The Moving Times. (M&M C97). Also: Alden Van Buskirk (his first publication); Jeff Nuttall. The second burned cover, with see-through window. Staples sl. rusty, with a few staple-mark indentations. No.10 No date (Dec. 1964). All British number, featuring Bill Butler, Tom McGrath, Dave Cunliffe, and others. Very well preserved, clean.. No. 11 (Feb. 1965). Contains "Dec. 29: Tuesday was the Last Day for Singing Years", "Letter to Jeff Nuttall", and "Collage" in The Moving Times; plus letters and quotes from newsclippings on Dr. Dent's apomorphine treatment. (M&M C105-108). Also: Michael McClure; Jeff Nuttall; Anselm Hollo. Near Fine No. 12 (May 1965). Contains "The Last Words of Dutch Schultz" (first appearance) and "Letter to Sunday Times". (M&M C112-113). Also: Carl Weissner; Jeff Nuttall (on Sigma); Martin Bax. Staples sl. rusty, o/w Near Fine. No. 13 (Aug. 1965). "Dutch Schultz Special", containing "The Dead Star". One of 500 numbered copies in offset facsimile of the original manuscript. (M&M C122). Also: Jeff Nuttall. Wear to the righthand margin. No. 14 (Dec. 1965). Contains "Moving Times", being Burroughs quotes in collaged material by Carl Weissner. (M&M C131). Also: Charles Plymell; Brian Patten; Tom McGrath; Bill Butler; others. Near Fine. No. 15 (April 1966). With Editorial Bit (2 small leaves), and list of subscribers/stencilled, stapled to front page. Contains "Nut Note on the Column Cutup Thing", "WB Talking", "Quantities of the Gas Girls", and an untitled piece, all appearing in The Moving Times. (M&M C137-140). Also: Bill Butler; Claude Pélieu; Jeff Nuttall. Near Fine. No.16 (May 1966). Edited by Clifton DeBerry (c/o Better Books), ie. Nuttall, who only later discovered that the 'real' DeBerry was a black American Communist, former Wobbly and two-time Socialist Workers Party candidate for President of the United States. Near Fine. No. 17 (Sept. 1966). Contributors incl. Carl Weissner (a cut-up of a Burroughs text); Jim Haynes; Criton Tomazos; Wm. Wantling; Doug Blazek; Claude Pélieu; Charles Plymell; Jeff Nuttall. The last issue. (M&M C154). Near Fine.



Nos. 1 - 7 (all publ.) plus a supplement: "The Trials of N.T. ". London, Bloom Publications Ltd. April 1971-Winter 1972. 28x21cm., stapled in colourful wrappers, 50pp each, very light traces of use but still an excellent set.

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Underground comic produced by Mick Farren and Paul Lewis. The first issue reproduced Robert Crumb's centrespread drawing from his own comic Snatch #1, and was busted for obscenity. Further contributions by Rob Crumb, Gilbert Shelton, Skip Williamson, Edward, V. Bodé and others. "The Trials of Nasty Tales" was drawn by Ed Barker. The notorious trial lasted for nine days and included George Perry and Germaine Greer as defence witnesses, Nasty Tales and its staff were found not guilty. The Trials of Nasty Tales reprinted Crumb's orgy scene including the Judges, drawn by Ed Barker. "It was the first obscenity trial of a comic book in British history, and the only trial that the underground press can remember winning" (International Times).



- Two volumes of The Natoma Free Sun, 1968 Includes: The Natoma Free Sun, Vol. 1, No. 1 - April 25, 1968. San Francisco, Natoma Free Sun, 1968. Edited by Gail Dusenbery. Newspaper type publication, 45.5 x 30 cm, 4 pp, folded once. Featuring written work by David Cole, Clemens Starck, Leland Stoney, Harry Newman, Luis Garcia, Suzanne Brooke, Diane Moran, Harvey Bialy, John Simon, Richard Denner, Ken McLaren, and Jim Wehlage. Also includes Claude Pelieu’s text ‘At 7 p.m.’ dated April 5th, 1968 location San Fran Fascist America, translated by Mary Beach. Regular age toning and tiny wear along margins, generally a fine copy. + The Natoma Free Sun, Vol. 1, No. 2 – July 25, 1968. This issue edited by James Liddy. Contributions by David Polk, Mary Rexroth, Thomas Hill, William Siverley, James Liddy. Copy with spotting and age toning, else fine.

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A group of 5 broadsides, mimeographed from typescript and/or holograph, printed "on The Open Press" by "New York Provo". Each 28x21,5cm, printed on recto only. Founded by Dana Beal and Jonathan Leake, based on the Yippies and inspired by the Dutch Provo movement, with Happenings and the promotion of anarchist theory and drugs. Preceding the Resurgence Youth Movement.

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Below short descriptions of the broadsides, more extensive descriptions on request. (1) New York Provo. Psychedelic Explosion, Part 2. New York: The Open Press,[ c. 1967]. Mimeographed from typescript and holograph on yellow paper. Handout describing a smoke-in provocation at the Daily News Building in New York, (2) New York Provo. Police Harassment. New York: The Open Press, nd [c. 1967]. crudely mimeographed from typescript on yellow paper. A leaflet issued by the group reporting on a Smoke-In the previous week in Tompkin's Square park, one of a series of such gatherings the group helped to put on which were inspired by the Dutch Provo movement. (3) New York Provo Announces the Formation of a New Food & Drug Administration To Administer Food and Drugs to Those Who Need Them. New York: The Open Press, nd. mimeographed from typescript on yellow paper. (4) Hate Parade. New York: The Open Press, [1967]. crudely mimeographed from typescript on yellow paper. A leaflet issued by the group reporting on a "Hate Parade" held that day, which marched from Columbus Circle to Tompkins Square Park. (5) What To Do When the Man Comes. New York: The Open Press, nd. [c.1967].Opens with a quote from Harry Hemphill. Mimeographed from typescript and holograph on yellow paper on recto only. Handout describing ways to deal with arrest police.


NEXOS Dir.: Enrique Florescano


Ano 1 (= nos. 1-12). Mexico 1978. Comprising 12 nos., tabloïd size. (Added: nos. 13, 15 and 17).

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Dir.: Enrique Florescano. Edited by Héctor Aguilar Camín, Adolfo Castanón, Julio Frenk. (Centro de Investigacion Cultural y Cientifica). Progressive monthly, richly illustrated, Contributions by Carlos Montsivais, Jean Franco, José Warman, Adolfo Gilly, Susana Chaurand (photographs), Adolfo Born (drawings), No. 9 devoted to a retrospect of the year 1968)



A Journal of Female Liberation.

First issue, Somerville, MA. October 1968 [reprinted in December 1969]. Orig. pictorial wrappers.

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Editor not specified, collective. A reprint of the first (originally untitled) issue of No More Fun and Games, published coincident with number three. Number two was published as The Female State: A Journal of Female Liberation,and in total six numbers were published. Ellen O'Donnell, Roxanne Dunbar, Gail King, et al.



Only issue published: Numero unico, Milano, Edizioni di Puzz, 1976 (gennaio), 25x17,5 cm, 60 pages stapled in spine (cover in purple,rest b/w).Cartoons and drawings in the text..

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Situationist and countercultural periodical, all published. Sommario: "Normalità della barbarie" di Dario Varini, "Contributi ad una puntualizzazione in processo" di Max Capa, "Negazione dell'abnegazione" di Claudio D'Ettorre e Pietro Carnelutti, "B(r)aci ardenti e cuo(r)i puri", "Historia di Dolcino Tornielli" di Sergio Ghirardi, "A proposito del capitale, dei nostri incontri e delle nostre emozioni" di Stoltenberg, "Mi rifiuto di essere un uomo" di Mario Mieli e Francesco Santini, "Violenza e omosessualità" di Meo Cataldo, Max Capa, Giovanna Sanna. [see: Attilio Mangano, "Le riviste degli anni Settanta", pp. 234-236].



Nos. 1-3 (all publ.).San Francisco: Underground Press (1964-1968). In the original illustrated wrappers, with original tape in the spine, light soiled; No.3 in illustrated wrappers, stapled in the spine, light soilage internally (comic book format). Together with Number 4: Bitch, Butch, Black & Bad. (np): Notes from Underground (1977). First edition. (np): Folded sheets loose in a stiff printed cover.

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Edited by John Bryan. No 1: An anthology, including first appearance of Jack Kerouac's Cassady's First Third, a letter from Jack to Neal,and contributions by Bukowski, Ginsberg, Patchen, Bob Kaufman, Meltzer, etc.; Kamasutra statue on the cover (reportedly confiscated by police), also Burroughs, Wantling, Whalen, Snyder, Sinclair, No. 2 Bukowski, Artaud, Gary Snyder, etc., incl. The Psychedelic Cookbook, etc. No 3 published like a comic book with cover by Grimshaw. No, 4 Contributions by Simon Alexander, Deirdre Evans, Christopher Trian, Paladin. The fourth number following much-earlier "Notes" series, the first two issues of which were mimeographed, the third similar in format to a comic book.



[only issue published], (Roma), 1977 (23 marzo 1977); 43x29, folding to a poster "Diffidate della realtà?!" (86x58 cm.).

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Illustrations by Pablo Echaurren. Editors: Maurizio Gabbianelli, Pablo Echaurren, Oliviero Turchet, Massimo Terracini, Carlo Infante, Massimo Pasquini, Fiamma Lolli ("Foglio degli indiani metropolitani romani").



"Qualité suisse".

No.7/8 bound together with HOTCHA! No. 46: Geneve/Zürich, 1970.28x21 cm., stapled, unpaginated. Offset in black, red, blue and green ink; continued as: Nos. 10, 14 and 15/16/17 (last issue): Geneve, 1972. 30x21cm., stapled, unpaginated. Offset (last issue in red ink).

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Countercultural magazine from Switzerland. Edited by Jean Monod, Hotcha edited by Urban Gwerder. Contributions include Claude Pelieu, Frank Zappa,



Nos. 1-8 (all publ.). Bensenville/Ill., 1964-1967. Various sizes, mimeographed, folded and stapled. (Front cover of no. 4 with slight staining, oherwise fine).

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Edited by Douglas Blazek (Open Skull Press), with contributions by Bukowski, Al Purdy, Norse, Wantling, d.a.levy, Jeff Nuttall, Lee Harwood, Willam Burroughs, W.C.Williams, Anais Nin, James Baldwin etc. No. 1: "Dedicated to the cause of making poetry dangerous"; No. 2: "A magazine for all those unacknowledged legislators of the world, especially those who are really unacknowledged" … OLE as in hole, not bulls … ; No. 3: "The original Consciousness-Expanding magazine"; No 4: The poetfood for champions; No. 5: Harold Norse special; No. 6: The weird harvest special; No. 7: review issue; No. 8: last issue before move to the West coast.



Weekly Review of the Los Angeles Renaissance.

A substantial, nearly-complete collection comprising a total of 93 issues from the 107 that were published. - 8 (out of 15) are OPEN CITY PRESS, appeared in San Francisco - 85 (out of 92) are OPEN CITY, appeared in Los Angeles. The set includes 78 issues with Bukowski contributions (72 of which are his column, "Notes of a Dirty Old Man"). San Francisco and Los Angeles, 1961-1968. Printed on newsprint. All issues folded at least once, as issued, in generally good condition (normal endemic browning, a few issues with ragged edges, light damage or light dampstaining). Sizes: at first tabloid, printed in b/w with only occasionally colour added, after issue 52,May 1968, the size doubles to 57x44 cm., and most front and last pages are in colour.

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Underground weekly, noted for its coverage of radical politics, rock music, psychedelic culture and the "Notes of a Dirty Old Man" column by Charles Bukowski, first published here. Editor and founder: John Bryan (whose signature is on 17 copies) with art director Joan Barr, and contributing editors Alex Apostolides, Bob Garcia, Robert Igriega, Bill Margolis, John Wilcock etc. Member of the Underground Press Syndicate. Many issues have spectacular lay-out, artwork and photocompositions. "John Charles Bryan (November 12, 1934 - February 1, 2007), was a journalist who quit the San Francisco Chronicle in 1964 to found the brief-lived San Francisco bohemian tabloid weekly Open City Press, publishing 15 issues from Nov. 18, 1964 to March 17-23, 1965. Open City Press was a local forerunner of the Berkeley Barb, providing coverage of the Free Speech Movement. It was a one-man operation. In the beginning Bryan bought a case of metal monotype and hand-set his own copy, pulling proofs to paste up for cheap offset reproduction." (cf: Wikipedia). Bukowski's contributions started in Vol. 1 no 6 with the story "If I could only be asleep". After closure of Open City Press Bryan relocated to Southern California. After a stint working for Art Kunkin as managing editor of the Los Angeles Free Press, he launched Open City in Los Angeles, starting the volume numbering with vol. 2, no. 1 (May 5-11, 1967). In March 1968 he was prosecuted on an obscenity charge for printing an image of a nude woman in a record company advertisement for Leon Russell. Six months later, in September 1968, there was a second obscenity bust over the short story "Skinny Dynamite" by Jack Micheline, about the sexual antics of an underage girl, in a literary supplement to Open City edited by Charles Bukowski. The cost of Bryan's legal defense and a $1000 fine on the first charge eventually put the shoestring operation out of business. Issues present in this collection are: "Open City Press." [San Francisco, 1964-1965, numbered as Volume 1 ]: The announcement for issue 1, and Vol. 1 issues 3-7, 10 and 11(published from November 1964-Feb.23.1965, out of the total number of 15 issues published). Then continued as "Open City". [Los Angeles, 1967 - 1968: Volume 2 ]: Issues 1-4, 6-20, 23-25, 27, 28, 30-33, 35-43, 45, 47, 49-50, 52-83, 87-91 [66 is mis-numbered 65 on cover; 90 is mis-numbered 89]. All (except no. 18) have Bukowski contributions. Number 20, First National Edition. The Pot Scene. Number 52, May 1968, is the "First Anniversary Issue", with Renaissance, first issue,included, (this copy signed by John Bryan), with contributions by Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs, Charles Bukowski, Lenore Kandel, Anais Nin, Carol Berge, Anselm Hollow, Bob Kaufman, a.o. Other contributors were (a.o.): Simon Vinkenoog (on Provo), Phil Proctor, Liza Williams, Derek Taylor, R. Crumb, Robert Barrows (The Beard). Bill Spater, James Howell, etc.



Ed. by Richard Neville, later by Felix Dennis and Jim Anderson.

Nos. 1 - 48 (= last issue). Complete collection. London, February 1967-1973. - All first editions, various formats and sizes in the original stapled wrappers. Condition is very good to near fine, making a clean and near fine set, excellent for exhibition purposes, in particular with the inserts and the scarce additions. Complete with the following: - An Oz subscription slip in #2 and folding small poster from the back cover; - A folding poster from the back-cover (81x29,5 cm)in black and gold; (#4) - The Che Geuvara (sic) folded poster insert (#8); - The rare 'Yoko Ono at the Saville' flyer (#8) - Oz goes big, poster in centerspread#12; - Small folding poster from the cover #13 (small price in pencil on front-cover); - The Outcry! People's Park poster and Running Man Book News booklet (#21); - The Honeybunch Kaminski poster (#24) - ThePrint Mint posters leaflet (#26) - The Jimi Hendrix/Oz News poster (#30); - The Janis Joplin/Oz Old Bailey Trial poster (#36); - Poster for the Sex-issue (girl held by Gorilla with hasj-plants around. ca. 50-75 cm., two colours.,light wear. - Subscription form, advert for Wembley Rock'nRoll show (#43); - Subscription form/advert for Cozmic Comics (#44): TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING RARE OZ- Ephemera: - AN ORIGINAL T-SHIRT for the OZ Obscenity Trial Old Bailey London 1971, designed by Richard Adams. Size Small, titles in blue around an oval portrait in blue and red, on orange cotton. N.p. (London, Oz Publications, n.d.,1971). A very rare example of this famous T-shirt. Hole in front part of collar and a bit faded. The imprint depicts Scotland Yard's Detective Inspector Luff, described by Oz-defender Geoffrey Robertson as "a policeman not motivated by money. He was religiously committed to the closure of Oz" (Robertson 'The Justice Game', 2011). - PAMPHLET, PROGRAM: SOUNDS FOR OZ. Presented by the Norh American Student's Association. A festival of Pop, Poetry, Films, Songs, Mime and Dance, at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Nash House, The Mall, Wednesday August 25 and Thursday August 26. (1970). All proceeds to Oz. Two folded handouts of 4 pages each (8vo bifolium), with identical front page, but different contants, one the Announcements of the program and the participating performers, the other the Programme itself. ParticipantsAnthony Howell,John Welsh,Marianne Faithful, Spike Milligan,Frank McConnell, Eggs Over Easy (American Rock Group). - POSTER: announcing Oz magazine's FIFTH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE, February 1972 (Oz #40) - "On sale now 25p". Printed in red and purple on white stock. 54.9x37cm. Designed by John Fawcett, and illustrated with a full-length photograph of Sarah Bernhardt alongside a large image of Mickey Mouse in his Wizard's hat from the 1940 Disney movie, 'Fantasia'. The fifth anniversary of Oz was celebrated as a defiant landmark following the obscenity trial and the myriad attempts to close down the underground press. Fine. Provenance: The Felix Dennis Estate. -PROMOTIONAL POSTER: THE LAST ISSUE OF OZ. announcing the last issue of Oz magazine (November 1973), designed by Ed Barker, promising "Sex, Drugs, Violence and Bolshevism (ho, ho) from - Richard Neville, Timothy Leary, Adolph Hitler [sic], Martin Sharp, Heathcote Williams and other OZ favourites." Offset litho, printed in red and black on thin buff-coloured paper. 73.5x48.1cm. (tiny nicks to top edge, OTHERWISE FINE) Illustrated with a cartoon by Rand H. Holmes (reproduced from The Georgia Straight) and a version of the magazine's front cover featuring contact sheet images of Richard Nixon and a group photograph of naked Oz staff by Phil Franks. The photograph, a different shot from the one chosen for the magazine's cover, features, on the back row from left: Don Atyeo (assistant editor); Marva Rees; Felix Dennis (editor); bottom row from left: Pat Woolley (of Wild & Woolley, the Australian alternative magazine and book distributor); Jim Maguire (advertising manager); and Maria Lexton (ex-Time Out poetry editor). --OZ LETTER. A Typed Letter Signed by Oz Secretary, Bridget Murphy, dated February 10th, 1970. The brief letter, typed on b/w Oz letterhead paper featuring the pregnant elephant logo, answers a reader's query about the availability of back issues and lists the unavailable numbers. A few months later Murphy was photographed by David Nutter for the School kids issue as a bare breasted St. Trinian's schoolgirl brandishing a fake AK47, but the image was not used (Jim Anderson had recently met David Nutter, brother of Savile Row tailor Tommy Nutter, through Gay Liberation Front). Three faint horizontal mailing folds, o/w Near Fine. - FRIENDS OF OZ PRESS KIT. An original 'Friends of Oz' Press Kit (June 1971), designed and compiled by Richard Adams, and reputed to have been distributed to The New York Times, The Herald Tribune, Le Monde, and Der Spiegel. Large quarto glossy yellow card folder, with Oz pregnant elephant and two Honeybunch Kaminski stickers to front cover. -OZ. A printed sheet announcing Oz magazine's change of address to 19 Great Newport Street in early 1972. Printed in dark blue on pale blue stock. 14.9x21cm. Illustration by Rod Beddall. Fine. e. - OZ. A single sheet (small size) of unused Oz Publications letterhead stationery featuring Robert Crumb's 'Three Graces', c. 1972. Printed in red, blue and black on grey stock. 20.8x14.7cm. Designed by Richard Adams. Fine. AN EXCEPTIONAL SET with the additions and in this condition.

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Landmark underground paper (at the same time one of the most important subversive and revolutionary papers of the world), pioneering in modern avant garde art and counterculture of the sixties, lavishly illustrated with much colour and spectacular designs on the wrappers. Edited by Richard Neville and others. Artwork and contributions by: Martin Sharp, Rick Cuff, R. Crumb, Michael English, Larry Smart, Vytas Serelis, John Hurford, Willem (= Bernard Holtrop). Other contributors include: Andy Warhol, Germaine Greer, Edward de Bono, Colin MacInnes, Peter Porter, Alan Watts, Dave Dellinger, Auberon Waugh, Raymond Durgnat, Pete Townsend, a.o. - Number 5 "Special Surprise Issue" was issued as a yellow poster "Plant a Flower Child" (114 x 76 cm) folded to 28,7 x 19 cm). Oz Magazine, along with International Times was the underground magazine of the late Sixties in England. The magazine originated in Australia where it was founded by Richard Neville and Martin Sharp, who had moved to the UK in early 1967. The lavish and admirable illustrations are by Martin Sharp (the Bob Dylan cover of no. 7 is widely known), Rick Cuff, R. Crumb, Michael English, Larry Smart, Vytas Serelis, John Hurford, Willem (= Bernard Holtrop). Contributors included Germaine Greer, artist and filmmaker Philippe Mora, photographer Robert Whitaker, journalist Lillian Roxon, cartoonist Michael Leunig, Angelo Quattrocchi and David Widgery. We also find Andy Warhol, Edward de Bono, Colin MacInnes, Peter Porter, Alan Watts, Dave Dellinger, Auberon Waugh, Raymond Durgnat, Pete Townsend, a.o. With the emergence of new printing techniques and fluorescent inks and the use of new stock (also metallic foils). Oz quickly won renown as one of the most visually exciting publications of its time. Several issues of Oz include psychedelic wrap-around or pull-out posters by Sharp, London design duo Hapshash and the Coloured Coat and others. The all-graphic "Magic Theatre" edition (Oz no. 16), overseen by Sharp and Mora, has been described by British author Jonathon Green as "arguably the greatest achievement of the entire British underground press." The magazine regularly enraged the British Establishment with a range of left-field stories including heavy critical coverage of the Vietnam War (cover of no. 10) and the anti-war movement, discussions of drugs, sex and alternative lifestyles, and contentious political stories, such as the magazine's revelations about the torture of citizens under the rule of the military junta in Greece. In 1970, the editors put a notice in the magazine inviting "school kids" to edit an issue. The opportunity was taken up by around 20 secondary school students who produced "SCHOOLKIDS OZ". This term was widely misunderstood to mean that it was intended for school children, whereas it was a statement that it had been created by them. Oz was one of several 'underground' publications targeted by the Obscene Publications Squad, and their offices had already been raided on several occasions, but the conjunction of schoolchildren and arguably obscene material set the scene for the infamous Oz obscenity trial of 1971.This brought the magazine to the attention of the wider public. John Lennon and Yoko Ono joined the protest march against the prosecution and organised the recording of "God Save Oz" by the Elastic Oz Band to raise funds and gain publicity. The T-Shirt included with the set was meant to raise funds for the defense.



New writing: Cuba, Ivan, USA.

No. 1 (all). New York, League of Militant Poets, May 1962. Photographic printed wrappers by LeRoy McLucas. Fine.

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Editor: Howard Schulman. Photographs & ills. by Robert Frank, Zilia Sanchez. Contribs. include Michael McClure, Allen Ginsberg, LeRoi Jones, Joel Oppenheimer, Paul Blackburn, Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Elvio Romers a.o.; a selection of Cuban poets including Infante and Guillen, and closing with the end of Eisenstein's screenplay for Ivan the Terrible Part III.



Alternativ Zeitung

No. 1 (2 versions, orange and green cover), Nos. 2, 3. UPN-Sippe, Nürnberg 1970. 4to; numerous ills; ab. 16 pages per issue. Continued on larger size (unfolding to tabloids): No. 4. 12 pages, Quarto; No. 7. 12 pages, quarto; No. 8/9. 24 pages.I (is at the same time Germania No. 4). Quarto; No. 10 (herbst 1974. 18 pages. Quarto.

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Published by "Sippenpresse", a German countercultural hippie publishing venture. Promoting the use of marijuana, close to "Hotcha", and close to the Dutch Provos (" Holländische Provos stürmen leere Häuser") and the squatters movement. Kontakt-adresse die Kommune von Raymond Martin in Nürnberg. "Wir sind diejenigen vor denen uns unsere Eltern gewarnt haben". Am 13. Dezember 1972 fand in Jobstgreuth eine Hausdurchsuchung bei der Landkommune UPN-Sippe von circa 20 Kriminalbeamten statt. „Einen richterlichen Hausdurchsuchungsbefehl hatte man keinen, brauchte ihn auch nicht, da die Gefahr im Vorzug schien“.Beschlagnahmt wurden Kundenkarteien, Geschäftsbriefe, persönliche Korrespondenz und die Kommunemitglieder mussten eine körperliche Untersuchung über sich ergehen lassen. Nach der Meinung von Martin war diese Hausdurchsuchung „für die deutsche Untergrundpresse und Kommunebewegung (…) ein warnendes Zeichen“, da die Alternativpresse und die verschiedenen Lebensgemeinschaften Anfangs der 1970er Jahre im Aufbau begriffen und bei der Bevölkerung sowie staatlichen Behörden auf Unverständnis gestoßen waren.



--First series: May 1970, dedicated to the "massacre in Kent", this copy from the personal archive of the director Antonio Rodriguez (ciclostyled production in very small number of copies, 4 numbers published only, between 1969 and May 1970, of which trhis is No.4). Published in the area of Lugano, Switzerland, and distributed to some friends only. --Second series: complete in 17 numbers, published in Locarno, later in Viganello (Ticino, Switzerland) as follows - No. 1 (also Number Zero), Summer 1970 until Number 19 (dicembre 1975), which number was preceded by an unnumbered issue containing poetry: West Coast Paria a cura di Franco Beltrametti. Numbers 10 and 17 were never published (as explained by Antonio Rodriguez, the layout maquettes for Number 10 were sent to Milano for printing at the IAP [International Alternative Press], and lost there, as also confirmed in writing by Ignazio Maria Gallino, the director; the reason for nonpublication of No. 17 remains unclear, it was probably omitted simply by mistake).

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Rare collection of this fantastic publication, probably the most complete that has been on the market. Founded, directed and designed by Antonio Rodriguez (Edolo, Brescia 1948) or "Pariananda" as he liked to sign, was published between 1969 and 1975. The first stencilled issues were totally lost, only a copy of Number 4 survived (it was the personal copy of Antonio Rodriguez, who remembers that he has personally stencilled it. The present set was owned by him) Other copies are unknown. Ditributed in Swit.zerland, Italy and the USA, by Re Nudo and the Stampa Alternativa. Contributors and texts by: Hermaus, Franco Beltrametti, Gianni Milano, Giorgio Mariani, Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, cartoons, drawings by Mizio Turchet, and various unsigned or unidentified contributors from Switzerland (Hotcha), and Fribourg (Revolté). Inspired by the Living Theatre, with strong international relations and influences. Without any concrete connection or political convictions all elements of the period are present: Psychedelic design, hippies, popmusic, the situationists, etc.


PARIS MAI. (by J. GERZ, J.F. BORY and A. HUBSCHMID) Agentzia 3

PARIS MAI. La Nuit du 13 mai 68. Published as Agentzia No. 3 (Paris-Mai) by J. GERZ, J.F. BORY and A. HUBSCHMID. Paris, Small Press Scene; 30x30cm; published in the format of a longplaying record-cover with photograph of the May rebellion on the front. A near mint copy, very rare in this condition.

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Photograph on the font cover, text on the back cover, also extracts from Le Monde. Inside are two cardboard disks mounted on a cardboard underground with texts and photographs related to the May rebellion; one disk is 'Reaction', the other 'Revolution', each with cut-out windows, which by turning the disks around a center-pin reveal the pictures and corresponding texts of Paris-Mai (May 3-22 1968).



(Mothermilk cheese/ Moedermelkkaas)

Three photographs on baritepaper (photographs by Jetty Verhoeff). Signed by Ine Poppe, in cardboard mounts (each one out of 3 impressions). TOGETHER WITH: the artists book: 40 pages on 20 loose sheets, as issued. Booklet detailing and informing about the project, signed. Amsterdam, no date (ca. 1983)

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The artist-journalist Ine Poppe becomes an international sensation because of her art-project "Mothermilk Cheese". She fabricated cheese from her own mothermilk and named it "Le Bébé Hollandais"., with designed packaging. This created considerable publicity in the local and international press, and it made it toJapanese television.



Paris May 1968: Texts and Posters by Atelier Populaire. London Dobson, 1969. [26]96 pp, il. Col.; 40,5x 28 cm. Orig.yellow cloth covers with red and black text; spine loosening; small name on topboard. Only lightlysoiled.

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A magazine of the revolution.

Volume 1 Numbers 1, 2 and 3 (all publ.) .Presence Press, Buffalo, NY, Summer 1967-Winrter 1968. Just a little dustsoiled, and no 3 with old library stamp , but a very rare complete set.

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Edited by Dan Connell. Contains work by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Allen de Loach, Davey John James, Lewis MacAdams, John Wieners and others.Few stain splotches back cover, overall little soiled. scarce mimeo era small press magazine. Sixties Hippie-Litterature; apparently produced with support from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Number 2: Contributors include Mike Aldrich, P.J. Blumenthal, Geoff Bowman, Bruce Jackson, Burt Kimmelman, Ed Kissam, Bill Little, and Kate Ruse. Number 3: Cover design by Jan Rose. contributors include Allen De Loach, Lewis MacAdams, Mike Davidson. Richard Kshensky, and others.



Blätter für neue Literatur (later: Ein schriftlicher Vorgang); later:Jahrbuch für Mitteilungssysteme).

Heft 1-27 (all publ.). Bochum, Düsseldorf, Bulkowski, March 1966-1977. Unbd., original issues printed on various coloured stock , size 30 x 21 cm, later for numbers 13-20 changing to 21 x 15 cm.printed as Photocopies, Letterpress, Offset, Original works (collage etc). with all decorated original wrappers and supplements preserved, stapled in the spine or archival binders. Set in mint condition; illustrated.

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The most important of the anarchist and leftist "mini-presses" of the sixties. Strong ties with Leftist movements worldwide, of which Bulkowski acted as the German language spokesman and reporter. Issues are usually around one topic: No.5 Anarchie und Humor (Provo), No. 8 Texts of the Hippies ; No. 6 Beat-Beat with texts of the Beats; No. 10 Ideal Werbetext; No. 11/12 with orig. Plastic coloured artwork of Thomas Bayrle; No. 18 inspired on the Situationists; No 20 in orig.brown envelope. Numbers 13-21 on quarto size photocopied and combined together with original documents. They are interesting for content, typography and lay-out. Contributors include: Thomas Bayrle (Original color silkscreens on plastic foils), Horst Bingel, Paul Schallück, G. Zwerenz, Max v.d. Grün, N. Born, P. Faecke, D. Hoffmann, G. Kunert, K. Marti, Simon Vinkenoog (Provo), , Peter Chotjewitz, G. Guben, Reimar Lenz, Dietrich Albrecht (Fluxus), Hans-Peter Alvermann,Claus Boehmler, Rolf-Dieter Brinkmann, Stig Brogger, Stanley Brouwn, Henning Christiansen (Fluxus), Hans Peter Feldmann, Robert Filliou, Jochen Gerz, Ludwig Gosewitz (Fluxus), ans Imhoff , H. Kaminski, Tuli Kupferberg, F. Mayroecker + E. Jandl , Franz Mon , Maurizio Nannucci , A.R. Penck , J. Ploog , Chris Reinecke (LIDL) , Ralf-Reiner Rygulla, Wolfg. Schmidt, Tomas Schmit (Fluxus), Klaus Staeck / Eric Thygesen, Miroljub Todorovic , Vangelis Tsakiridis, Iannis Xenakis and numerous others.



Collection of 9 original b/w photographs, all 14,7 x 10,5 cm, of which 7 photographs of Provo actions and protests around the statue "Het Lieverdje" (Spui Amsterdam) and 2 of the Ant-Vietnam Protests on Dam square. All stamped on the backside "Copyright Candid Pix Press Service, Amsterdam" and each with handwritten explanatory texts by the journalist Henk J. Meier.

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Explaining texts on th back of the photographs : - Provo's white bicycle happening - Striptease of Provo puber/painter - Provo pubers + retarded pubers painting bicyles with white paint - Provo assembly around "Het Lieverdje" chased by the police - Saturday night demonstration around "Het Lieverdje", coughing the Ugh-Ughe and carrying flowers - Fight with empty vegetable cans - Provo's (or "Nozems") marchuing with red Image banner - Picture of poster & pamphlet from the Provo riot, Roel van Duyns anarchists, 4 were arrested, and the "Klaus Pampflet", censored picture of Bernhard - 2 photographs of demonstration on Dam Square 6 Aug 1965 commemmorating 20-yers ago A-bombs on Japan,and commemoration meeting in Krasnapolsky (De Derde Weg; Kerk & Rede; Pacifist group Pax Crhtisti, Young Socialists", etc.



John Lennon en Yoko Ono: -Bed Peace, Hilton hotel. 3 b/w photographs. Later inkjet-prints on Fujicolor Crystal Archive Paper with blindstamp and signature of Nico Koster. Each 33 x 48 cm.

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(Amsterdam) no number (issue 1, only issue published), no date (1967) 30 x 10,5 cm, 16 pp.

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Contributors: B.A. Lans, Jil, Renie, Vincent and Joost B. Front cover Mimeographed. A counter publication to the original Provo, with similar content by less talented Provo followers. Rare.



PROVO SPECIAL (Brussels, Belgium) number 1, 21 x 15 cm, 8 one sided pp. number 2 - militariste. 21,5 x 15 cm, 12 pp. (all published).

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Edit.reponsable: J. Valles, Bruxelles. No. 2: General Janssens.Cartoons, similar to God,nederland en Oranje. Mostly signed: K.K.



A two-sided mimeographed flyer,sheet of white paper, quarto, from the Resurgence Youth Movement, a small anarchist group operating in the Lower East Side during the 1960s. Rare.

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Edited by Jonathan LEAKE, World Revolution of Youth [New York], Resurgence Youth Movement, [196-] The text links the Resurgence Youth Movement with Dutch Provo movement, and encourages “drop-outs, outlaws, rebels, LSD beatniks, motorcycle heads, saints, goblins, punk, drunks, dope-head, angels, devils and wild men” to unite and join the movement that hates “cops, courts, jail, taxes, boss-men, law-men, politicians, the Army, anyone or anything that wants to use us and make us their slaves.” Leake was a Maoist/Anarchist in New York and part of the Lyndon LaRouche movement. It seems he later moved to France.



Numbers 1-6 (all published): 23x15cm., (except 1: 21x13,5cm.), Naples, Ft. Lauderdale, Boynton Beach, FL, 1985/93. orig.wrappers, 84pp/320pp

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Compiled and annotated by Thomas Lyttle Successor to the Psychedelic Review, each issue containing a wide range of well-researched articles. Contributors include Thomas Riedlinger, Peter Meyer, Timothy Leary, Peter Stafford, Joel Bartlett and others.



(2)Nos. 1-11 (all publ.). Cambridge, New York, Summer 1963 - Winter 1970/71. Size (h/w): 22,8 x 15 cm., sizes of nos. 9-11 between 20,5 x 20,5 cm. and 27,9 x 21,6 cm. Nos. 9-11 illustrated. Original illustrated wrappers , only some light soiling and wear. Altogether a set in very good condition.

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Complete run edited by Paul A. Lee, Ralph Metzner, Gunther M. Weil, Timothy Leary, Felix Morrow and other psychedelic pioneers. Articles by Alan Watts, R. Gordon Wasson, Richard Evans Schultes, Albert Hofman, Menri Michaux, Art Kleps, Steward Brand, René Daumal, R.D.Laing, etc. Research, influence, experiences, regulations, information on the use of LSD and other psychedelic drugs. "... The Psychedelic Review is a quarterly devoted to the study of LSD, mescalin and the other psychopharmacological substances sometimes known as mindopening or consciousness-altering drugs. These studies also extend to nonpharmacological methods of altering consciousness: hypnotism, yoga, zen and other ancient and modern means...".



Collection of Sales catalogs of "Psychedelicatessen" the first headshop in New York to sell a wide variety of drugs, pipes, rolling machines, paper, scales, glass beads, all that was needed for smoking and tripping, Edited and produced by Rick Sanders Southworth and Susan Swede, illustrated by John Ka. New York: Psychedelicatessen, 1967. Unpaginated. 14 unbound sheets (printed on both sides, and 2 printed recto only in a variety of colours offset from holograph text and illustration, inside the pink silk screen printed wrappers). Together with two stamped and postmarked manila envelopes in which these had been sent to a customer in New Jersey (and two more wrappers). All sheets near fine, the two manila envelopes bear the signs of being through the mail. One envelope has a b/w illustration by psychedelicatessen, and both contain the psychedelicatessen stamp.

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Psychedelicatessen was located at 164 Avenue A between 10th and 11th Streets - just up the block from Tompkins Square Park, around the corner from the Peace Eye Bookstore, and a few blocks from the Fillmore East -- the Pyschedelicatessen was at the center of psychedelia and counterculture on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. This collection of sheets comes from the silkscreened catalogs of products offered for sale which were mailed to a customer in New Jersey. "Opened in 1966, the store immediately drew widespread attention. Though open for less than two years, the Psychedelicatessen was written up in Time magazine, the subject of a photo-essay in OZ, and satirized on the NBC television program, Jack Benny’s Bag. It is described in some detail in Fug You, the memoir of Ed Sanders, and the Fugs even played at least one show there.The shop was also subject to police harassment from the very beginning and on June 22, 1968, the Psychedelicatessen was finally shut down. Rick Southworth and Susan Swede were apparently not just proprietors of this early headshop, but also the leaders of a new religious movement / psychedelic cult, The Church of Mysterious Elation. As detailed in the New York Daily News ("Raid Hippie Cult, Seize $6M Dope", Friday, September 27, 1968, p. 5), their home and church, and then their store, were raided by the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs and "10 pounds of hashish, believed the largest haul of that drug in New York City; 11 pounds of marijuana; 4,500 tablets of LSD; 1,500 tablets of speed, 150 mescaline capsules and 150 tablets of various hallucinogens" were seized."



Puss album. Vett & villing, sex & spekulation, bluff & båg. Det bästa ur årg. 68-74. Cavefors [1974]. 29,5×21 cm. (128) pages, orig. Pictorial wrapper. (Spine with light damage, otherwise very good.

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Selection of "the best"from PUSS from 1968-1974. a subversive artist periodical, edited by Lars Hillersberg, Carl Johan De Geer, Lena Svedberg and Ulf Rahmberg (published between 1968-1973, 24 issues)



A set of 10 consecutive issues (from 11 published in total, thus altogether complete except for vol. 2 no 6). Comprised are: - Nos. 1 - 4. New York Spring 1970 - Summer 1971. (each 6-8 double sheets of 57x36 cm for the first 3 numbers , no 4 39,5x28 cm. , 3 + 24 + 16 pages , in original cover by Ant Farm. Library stamp (ex New Mexico Univ) on nos 3 and 4 , else in excellent condition,with only very moderate wear on the edges. - together with: - No 5. New York, Gordon & Breach. 1972. 120 pages, 30x22,5 cm. Original. pict. wrappers, light to moderate wear to corners and edges(on cover: and The Realistic Hope Foundation. -together with: -Volume 2, number 1. New York: Gordon & Breach, Science Publishers, Inc., 1972. Quarto, 72 pages, illustrated throughout. Illustrated wrappers by Ira Schneider. Discreet trace of tape on top front wrapper + former library stamp on title page, otherwise fine. -Volume 2, number 2. New York, Spring 1973, (30x23 cm). 64 pages; stapled. Orig.covers (somewhat yellowed). - Volume 2 ,number 3. Video City. Designed and edited by Phillip G Gietzen. Changing Channels. 64 pp, in orig.,wrappes (lightlwear on the wrappers, otherwise very good). -Volume 2 , number 4. Published by Gordon and Breach, New York, 1973 Solid State. (contribs: Vic Gioscia, Milton Berger, Bob Sandidge, Michael Shamberg et al.) (this issue with light wear). -Volume 2, number 5. . Published by Gordon and Breach.1973. Video an Envrironment. (Juan Downey, Frank Gilette, Beryl Korot, Ira Schneider). (Vol.2 no 6 was the last published, but not present in this set).

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The rare original edition of this early video art publication, probably the earliest publication on the use of video as an artistic and political medium, edited by Beryl Korot, Phyllis Gershuny, Michael Shamberg. No.3: "Grassroots Television", titlepage illustrated by Andy Poynor. No. 4 edited by Beryl Korot with Megan Williams: "Raindance", cover illustrated by Ant Farm. All 4 numbers with contributions of Ira Schneider. With No. 5 of vol. 1 the periodical switches to commercial distribution by Gordon & Breach (1972) Editors: Dudley Evenson, Michael Shamberg, assoc.editor Beryl Korot Vol. 2 no 1:Changing Channels. Vol. 2 no 2: The TV Environment by Beryl Korot & Ira Schneider "A celebration of 1950s and 60s broadcast Television. Chronicles the careers of Dennis James and Bill 'Gray. This issue, from the minimal front cover to the off-screen image of Tex Antoine on the back cover has an informational conceptual art look". On the editor: " Beryl Korot is an internationally exhibited artist first known for her early pioneer work in video art, and for multiple channel work in particular. She was co-founder and co-editor of Radical Software (1970), the first publication to document artists' work and ideas concerning video….." Publication continued till vol. 2 no 6. See: Gwen Allen, p.289



Freethought criticism and satire.

Nos. 24/25, 27, 29-30, 32, 35, 40-41, 43, 47-48, 50, 53, 55, 57-58, 60-80,82-84, 86-88, 90-98. New York, March/April 1961- February 1974. Size (h/w): 27 x 21 cm. Newspaper 24 pp. Added: 6 unnumbered issues of 4 pages each, published from Dec. 1968-June 1969, and 86 A-B, 4 pages each, Jan-April 1970. Very scarce.

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A collection of this underground satirical journal, edited by Paul Krassner. Contributions by Ellen Sander, Larry Josephson, Robert Wolf, Saul Heller, Sandra Adickes, John Francis Putnam, Abbie Hoffman, Lenny Bruce (Obscenity, Narcotics & Me) a.o. Cartoons by Dick Guindon. Contains Impolite Interviews with Norman Mailer, Mort Sahl, Woody Allen, Timothy Leary , and an article on the arrest of Lenny Bruce. Nos. 91& 92 are published in 3 parts numbered as 91 A-C (July-Dec. 1971) and 92 A-C (Jan.-June 1972) of 8 pp. each. Publication went on till 1974 (no. 98)



L’actualité du mois en images

UN REGARD SUR LE MONDE: Libération moderne. L’actualité du mois en images. No. 0 (janvier 1978), continued as: UN REGARD MODERNE. L’actualité du mois en images. Nos.1 - 5 (all published). Paris, Libération, Bazooka,12 Mars - 5 juillet 1978. Tabloïds, with occasional colour added. Well preserved set in spite of the fragile newsprint, only small tears to the edges. TOGETHER WITH: Poster (30 x 42 cm), printed in colour, announcing the publication of the second number of the journal.

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This spectacularly designed ultra-left illustrated journal marks the end of a period of subversive action in Paris. It was directed by Alain Bizos following a concept by Loulou Picasso. Edited and graphically designed by the group Bazooka, consisting (i.a.) of Olivia Clavel, Loulou Picasso, Kiki Picasso, and Lulu Larsen, including contributions by Bernard Vidal, Jean Rouzaud. Published with assistance of the daily Libération. The group, with ultra-left Maoist sympathy was formed in the aftermath of May 68.



(and the Mongul Review)

Nos. 1-2 (all. publ.). Athens, London, Spring 1965-Spring 1966. Original wrappers. No. 1 is inscribed by Richter, with the addition of his mailing address to the verso of the title page. Together with: the original publisher's prospectus for the first issue, mailed from Highgate by Dan Richter to Pete Brown "c/o New Departures", and with a short note to him requesting "help in circulating these". Single sheet, folded once, printed on both sides in black on blue stock. 50x17.5cm. (unfolded). Reproduces a selection of illustrations from the first issue and a list of the contributors Added: feltpen drawing in black and orange by an unknown artist.(19,5x14cm).

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Ed. by Daniel Richter. Includes in No. 2 the first issue of 'The Mongol Review' (all publ.). with contribs. by Lamantia, Ginsberg, Norse, Ford, Marie Wilson, Burroughs, Trocchi, Corso, etc . No. 1 (Spring 1965): Allen Ginsberg (including the first appearance of "On The Roof" from Journals 18th April 1964, and "Seabattle of Salamis Took Place Off Perama"); Harold Norse; Philip Lamantia; George Andrews; Charles Henri Ford; "Notes on the Use of Hashish" by Sheldon Cholst; and a lengthy excerpt from "LSD-748" by Kay Johnson. No. 2 (Spring 1966): Published by the Trigram Press in London. Contributors include William Burroughs; Gregory Corso; Gerard Malanga; Harold Norse; Harry Fainlight; Simon Vinkenoog; Jeff Nuttall; Jean-Jacques Lebel; the only appearance in print of chapter one of Alexander Trocchi's unpublished novel, "The Long Book".



REVO (Brussels, Belgium - Number 1, maart/mars 1966. 30 x 11 cm, 40 pp. - Number 4 (november 1966) is a reprint of PROVO, number 1. 30 x 11 cm, 40 pp. - Number 5, mei 1967. 30 x cm, 20 pp.

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The Belgian counterpart of Provo Amsterdam. No. 3 never appeared.



Section Francaise de l'Internationale Punk.

Nos 1 and 2 (all publ.) Ligne Rauque, 1984/85.: Folded sheet,s (30x21cm., Xerox printing).

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Edited by Bertrand Laidain. French punk and anarcho-punk fanzine put out by the project "Ligne Rauque". Text in French. No 1 includes an article on Maximumrocknroll, with portions of Crass's Yes Sir I Will translated into French. No 2 an article on Hardcore, and a piece on London.


Willem de RIDDER


-a) Annie Sprinkle Post Porn Modernist. Created by Willem de Ridder. Cover photo Eric Kroll. Published by Torch Books, Amsterdam, March 1991. Softcover, 27.5 x 21 cm, 128 pages/ paperbound. Preface by Willem de Ridder. All texts in English. Numerous photographs, b/w and colour. Fine copy. - b ) Annie Sprinkle Pleasure Playing Card, promotional plasticized card, 14 x 10 cm - c) Annie Sprinkle/ Love Postcard No.60, 25 x 16 cm. Features a b/w photo of Sprinkle by Charles Gatewood on recto. - d) Anatomy of a Pinup Photo. Postcard, 15 x 10.5 cm, published by Torch gallery. Photo Zorro 1981. Drawings and idea by Annie Sprinkle. Recto is fine, verso contains some glue remnants. -e ) The Sprinkle Report. The newsletter devoted to Piss Art., Vol.1 No. 4. New York, R. Mutt Press/ The Filangieri Foundation, c. 1976. Designed by Willem de Ridder, edited by Annie Sprinkle. 30 x 19.7 cm, 16 pp, printed b/w. With contributions by Marco Vassi, John Reilly, Gunter Brus, Adolf Henkel et al. - f ) Sprinkle & Vera, from the school of high-heel journalism, undated. Publicity postcard, 16.5 x 10.2 cm, printed b/w . Designed by Willem de Ridder. De Ridder helped Annie Sprinkle and Veronica Vera to set up the Sprinkle Salon Mail Order Co, where one could order pubic hair, soiled panties, magazines and audio tapes.

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Collection of items related to De Ridders Fluxus creation Annie Sprinkle.



Les Carnets de l'Octéor nouvelle série.

Nos. 1-5/6 (all publ.). Paris, 1967-1971; 5 issues, 41 x 28 cm., [12],[18].[24]30,60 pages, fully illustrated. In very fine, near mint condition. Complete with all supplements: Two posters (60x80cm) by Martial Raysse; - Proxima Centauri 29/9/69. Text and illustrations recto/verso. - Oued Laou 1971. Printed in pink (diapositive) on white. (Verso blank) - A pamphlet: On en (a) assez des artes, 1 page 21x30cm, stencilled on yellow paper. - Aubertin, 9 Textes. Paris, Self-published, 1968. Single sheet, 49,9 x 33,2 cm, folded. Newspaper type layout with texts by the artist (in French) including ‘Activité Pyromanique 1965-1968’.

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Complete avant-garde art periodical close to concrete art movements, edited by Julien Blaine and Jean Clay, designed by Carlos Cruz-Diez, photographs by Michel Desjardins and André Morain, regular contributors: Christian Duparc, Alain Schifres and others. Continues in a way the 'Carnets de l'Octéor' published in Aix-en-Provence in 1962 (4 issues published). Issues vary in length from 18 - 60 pages. Robho opposes the predominance of american capitalism in the art world, and published much articles on Latin American art. (Soto,Lygia Clark, Arte Madi,Tucumán Arde). Contains an extensive report on the artist manifestations against the MOMA in 1969, and Robho was the first French periodical to pay attention to the Japanese Gutaï movement. The publication gives positive attention to visual and concrete poetry, also linked to various forms of performance art. Contribs. include: Vasarely, Yaacov Agam, Grégoire Muller, F. Morellet, Joel Stein, J.F.Bory, Piero Manzoni, features on Hans Haacke; Kineticism in New York; Concrete artists in Prague; Lohse; Meta-art; Madi & Arden Quin; Yoko Ono, Jan Dibbets, Saburu Murakami, Michio Yoshihara, VantogerlooRévélations, TAKIS; Pénétrables de Soto; Lygia Clark, Man Ray, THEATRE GUERILLA TRACT CINEMA; Mathias Goeritz; Sanejouand; Dossier Argentine, Tucuman brule; Medalla; Aubertin; Guerre au Moma; Quelques aspects de l'art bourgeois:La non-intervention. In the first number is a double-page sample issue included of a project for a new journal MELP, which however never materialised.



The magazine of poetry.

Number 1 (all published). London. Summer 1968. Mimeographed text, stapled into pictorial wrappers.llustrated.

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Edited by John Sladek, Pamela Zoline and Tom Disch. Includes what is generally regarded as the first appearance of J. G. Ballard's classic, "Why I Want to Fuck Ronald Reagan", along with work by Acconci, Harwood, Giorno, Waldman, Padgett, Schjeldahl, Warsh, and others.



A street sheet for the West End Community.

Number 1 (all published). Large folio, stapled, 8pages.

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Edited by Phil Cohen, with G. Dogsbody,John Clapton, Alan Strom,Toni Gutman, Dave, Maria, a.o. "Give the streets and the neighbourhoods to the people". The London Street Commune.



Unnumbered issue. THE CAPITALIST BLOODSUCKER - N. San Francisco: George Stanley, [1962]. First Edition. Quarto (28cm); variously-colored mimeographed sheets (rectos), stapled at upper left corner; [21]pp; illus. Light wear to extremities, and very lightt dust-soil to rear wrapper,. Very good condition.

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Edited by George Stanley. Larry Fagin, Jack Spicer, Maxwell Bodenheim. Mimeo publication, a one-off magazine edited by George Stanley. Dubbed "an amalgam of the San Francisco Capitalist-Bloodsucker, a journal of Marxist opinion, and N -- the magazine of the future," the issue contains contributions by Jack Spicer, Albert J. Rutaro, Richard Duerden, Robin Blaser, Larry Fagin, Ron Loewinsohn, Tony Sherrod, Maxwell Bodenheim, George Stanley, and others, with a Kenneth Rexroth parody, an article on terrorism, and illustrations by Fran Herndon, who designed the front cover. OCLC notes 9 holdings (SUNY Buffalo, SF Museum of Modern Art, SF Public, UC Davis, U.Delaware, Emory, Brown, Utah State, Simon Fraser). Not in Clay & Phillips.



Complete collection, with additions and some numbers WITH VARIANTS, as follows: - First announcement of forthcoming publication: HANDBILL (27,5 x21,3 cm). Printed in b/w on white stock: "Coming soon. P.O. Frisco. An experiment in Communication. Towards a politics of Joy and Culture". Followed by: - P. O. FRISCO. Vol. 1 no 1 (The Renegade Oracle. Signed in pencil bythe editor). Followed by: - SAN FRANCISCO ORACLE. Nos. 1-12 (all publ.). San Francisco, 1966-1967; With the following variants: - Number 7 in first and second printing, with different page-layout for the covers as well as inside, the first printing (with the photocredit to Paul Kegan in the left bottom of the front cover) - Number 8 in 3 variant versions, each with slightly modified front-page, different colour schemes inside and the photo by Michael Hilsenrad twice in purple and once in blue - Number 10 in 2 variant versions, one with the Mandala image by Peter Legeria. All tabloïd size. Unbound in the original issues, excellent set in good to almost mint condition, in spite of the fragility of the paper; endemic browning but otherwise clean; the handbill has a closed tear, but is otherwise in quite good and clean condition. The best set one could imagine of this periodical, overall in clean bright condition.

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The most illustrious underground paper of the hippie era, together with its predecessor and the rare handbill. Edited by Allen Cohen & Joe Dana (Master Coordinator). Published in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury during the "Summer of Love", this paper became famous for it's lavish color psychedelic art. With work of the famous S.F. Rock poster artists like Rick Griffin, Stanley Mouse, Michael Bowen, Tom Weir, Bruce Conner, Susan Branaman, Bryden, Timothy, Page Brownton, Pamela Millward, Mike Hannon, etc. With contribs. by or features on: Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Lew Welch, Gary Snyder, Timothy Leary, Michael McClure, William Burroughs, Paul Krassner, John Sinclair, a.o. Articles devoted to LSD, the exorcism of the Pentagon, communes, meditation, the Diggers, Hell's Angels, etc. The front page of the first number opens with 'Haight-Ashbury meets police'. One of the most historically significant and visually stunning productions of the '60s counterculture at its peak. While later issues are relatively common, the early issues are rare and a complete set with the variants like this is very rare.



Volume 1 nos 1-8 (all published). New York, March 1970 - January 1971. 4to; original pictorial selfwrappers. Well-preserved set with inevitable light oxidation of the staples (causing some staining), and light paperspotting (due to the quality of the paper). TOGETHER WITH THE POSTER (Impeach Nixon).

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Complete set of the shortlived and highly subversive successor to 'Ramparts', of which "the booze ran out in early '69" as the editor Warren Hinckle (Editorial Director of Ramparts) states in his editorial in the first issue. Along with him Sidney E. Zion is editor and Baebara Stauffacher Salomon is the Art Director. The provocative content of Scanlan's Magazine addresses a wide range of issues that were troubling even less radical Americans: the Vietnam crisis, the CIA, the Black Panthers, Altamont, drugs and marijuana growing, the Mafia, Ecology (Eco-Pornography) and the condition of American journalism ("decadent, rudderless,exploitive and generally stinky as the society".). Contributors include Hunter S.Thompson, Gavin Arthur, Joseph Kahn, Ralph Steadman (ills.), George Kimball, R.Crumb (front-cover of No.6), San Francisco Film Basterads (by Arnold Passman), etc.; Number 2: Tan Am Base Vietnam, You've read too much about atrocities (the flex-disc contained in this issue is missing); Number 3: Russia's Underground Political Pornography; Number 4: Impeach Nixon; Number 8 'The suppressed issue: guerilla war in the USA' was refused by several printers and had to be produced outside the US.



Foglio Irregolar (later:Fojo irregolar, then: Foglio irregolare)

Nos. 0, 1 and 2 (all published).Torino, 1977 (aprile) - 1978 (marzo); 3 issues, tabloïd, 41x30 cm. Printed in b/w;numerous illustrations and photographs. Issues of 8 pages (Stampato in proprio,supplemento a stampa alternativa).

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Radical anarchist-underground periodical, printed from typescript and handwritten texts, spectacularly designed with numerous drawings and collages including photographs. - No. 0 (aprile 1977): "Due o tre cose sul Movimento", "Malfattiunasega", "Allo studente non far sapere quanto è buona la scuola con le pere", "Femminismo anarchico", "Aguirre furorediddio" . With a photograph by Tano D'Amico; - No. 1 (autunno/inverno 1977): "H.M. Schleyer si è suicidato ovvero Anche i padroni hanno un cuore" (on the deaths of Andreas Baader, Jan Karl Raspe and Gudrun Enssling), "Dada davanti e dietro", "L'alienazione militare", "Sacco e Vanzetti sono stati assassinati dai comitati per la riabilitazione". In the middlespread on double page: "Totoanarchia. Contro i tentativi di riassorbimento nella kultura ufficiale"; - No. 2 (marzo 1978): "Schizzo saluta i compagni che si incontrano a Carrara per l'Internazionale Anarchica", "4 domande a Buenaventura", "Handicappato significa che può fare come gli altri tutti i lavori che esigono "concentramento". E con tanto impegno: Sfruttiamolo!", "Norma Jean Baker (Marylin Monroe)". In the middlespread on double page "Arthur Rimbaud": "Rimbaud, senza speranza alcuna, né sulla terra né altrove, pensò solo ad andare sempre, in preda a quella noia terribile che voi non conoscerete mai; inseguiva attraverso il mondo, nei luoghi più desolati, l'immagine più desolante di sé e di voi. Tutto quello su cui si basa la vostra sporca vita meschina gli ripugnava, ci sputava sopra. Voi fingete di aver dimenticato che egli fu contro tutto ciò che esiste". (Salaris 1997: pag. 111).



(The Red Army)

Pamphlet No. 3 (all and only published). Special issue, manifest poster-journal. Tokyo 1972 (Bureau of Pornography of the Kansaigakuin University). 1 sheet of off-white newsprint (56x42 cm), printed recto/verso in red. Text and illustrations, text in Japanese, with occasional english words in latin letters. Issued by Nagata Hiroko and Takita Osamu.

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In the 60's/70's the Kansaigakuin University was the breading ground for student activism of various directions: Zenkyôtô, Zenagakujichi, Seikyô and Sekigun (Red Army, which was the most active). At the culmination point of the struggles it seems that the Red Army students had pressed the editorial office of the University newspaper to print this parody with the logo of the Red Army replacing the official logo and to place the name of the Red Army in large print on the front page. This was similar to the logo of the journal of the Japanese communist party Akahata (The Red Standard). Special issue on Drugs, Mind Liberating Plants, Green Revolution. (On the front page in capitals: Drug Freegras). Marijuana and LSD were the keywords for mental freedom, and here a guide is offered how to cultivate and fabricate it, and they advocate free distribution all over Japan. The picture of the love-making couple placed over a large image of a marihuhana leaf on the front page went too far for the authorities, the partciipants were arrested and the journal was forbidden.




Cartotecnica Piacentina Ed. Milano, (1972). Large poster in colour (140 x 100 cm) published by S.I.M.A. (Servizi Istituto Mass-media Art), an alternative underground organisation.

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(Hebdomadaire paraissant le jeudi).

Nos. 1-9 (all publ.). Paris, 20 décembre 1962 - avril 1963. 4to; First 7 numbers in special publishers stiff wrappers, last 2 spine stapled. With only very light soiling, an excellent set.

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Directed and primarily illustrated by the French satirical caricaturist and cartoonist Siné, at first published by himself, last two issues published by J.J. Pauvert. Numerous illustrations by Siné, Loris, Strelkoff, Sergio, Nuez, Wardon, Landefelt, Bovarini, a.o. Most issues around a topic: No. 1: De Gaulle. No.2: Bonne Année. No. 3: Pieds-Noirs. No. 4: la liberté de la presse avec des illustrations satiriques. No. 5: "Le grand guignol". No. 6: "L' amour". No. 7: "Le pape est mort". No. 8: Du sang à la Une, le rapprochement franco-allemand, le métro Charonne, le procès du Petit-Clamard. No. 9 : Le colonialisme. Le périodique ne contient que des dessins destinés au pouvoir gaulliste, aux religieux, aux militaires, et aux colons.



Volume 1, number 1. No date. Amsterdam. First European Undergroud Press, Zwanenburg. Added: poster 43,5x27,5 cm, b/w.

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Smaugteam: Paul Staudenmaijer, Tjitte de Vries, Guus Dijkhuizen, Hans Kanters, Anton Martineau, Dick Arenshorst.



Nos. 1-4/5 (= Vol. 1-2, all publ.). New York, Spring 1965 - Summer 1968. 8vo, Original wrappers., in excellent condition, also the fragile no 3 cover is in good condition (and not detached as is frequently the case). This perforated sticker cover (stamps designed by Andy Warhol: "Bomb Hanoi") was glue-backed and is rarely found intact, clean with the print over the glue, readable and not sticking to the content-pages. Our copy has the front cover free, but the back cover is stuck at the bottom over a very small area and is fairly clean. (Allen - Artists' Magazines. An alternative space for art, p. 298)

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Complete collection of the avant-garde periodical edited by David Antin & Jerome Rothenberg. ANDY WARHOL contributed to issue No. 3 (Volume two, issue number one, Winter 1966) by designing its cover 'Bomb Hanoi'. This issue, 'Vietnam Assemblage' includes texts by Allen Ginsberg, Charles Bukowski, Paul Blackburn, Rochelle Owens and many others but 'is not an anthology of individual & numbered pieces on a single theme. It was compiled with the help of many hands, & in a special sense it is a communal effort - an overall structure made up of words, a language trap to close-with a state, a process, a system - something afflicting & evading all of us' (editor's note). No. 1: cover by Amy Mendelson; No. 2: cover sculpture by Robert Morris; No. 4/5 cover by George Maciunas. Other contributors include: Anselm Hollo, Ted Berrigan, Jackson Mac Low, Carolee Schneemann (No 2 features photos and text from Carolee Schneemann's "Meat Joy" performance). No. 3, with a perforated sticker cover by Andy Warhol (Bomb Hanoi), gathers, Gerard Malanga, Allan Kaprow, Hans Arp, etc.



Nos. 1-4/5 (= Vol. 1-2, all publ.). New York, Spring 1965 - Summer 1968. 8vo, Original wrappers., in excellent condition, also the fragile no 3 cover is in good condition (and not detached as is frequently the case). This perforated sticker cover (stamps designed by Andy Warhol: "Bomb Hanoi") was glue-backed and is rarely found intact, clean with the print over the glue, readable and not sticking to the content-pages. Our copy has the front cover free, but the back cover is stuck at the bottom over a very small area and is fairly clean. (Allen - Artists' Magazines. An alternative space for art, p. 298)

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Complete collection of the avant-garde periodical edited by David Antin & Jerome Rothenberg. ANDY WARHOL contributed to issue No. 3 (Volume two, issue number one, Winter 1966) by designing its cover 'Bomb Hanoi'. This issue, 'Vietnam Assemblage' includes texts by Allen Ginsberg, Charles Bukowski, Paul Blackburn, Rochelle Owens and many others but 'is not an anthology of individual & numbered pieces on a single theme. It was compiled with the help of many hands, & in a special sense it is a communal effort - an overall structure made up of words, a language trap to close-with a state, a process, a system - something afflicting & evading all of us' (editor's note). No. 1: cover by Amy Mendelson; No. 2: cover sculpture by Robert Morris; No. 4/5 cover by George Maciunas. Other contributors include: Anselm Hollo, Ted Berrigan, Jackson Mac Low, Carolee Schneemann, Gerard Malanga, Allan Kaprow, Hans Arp, etc.



- STASH. Numbers 1-2 (all publ. ?). Legalize Cannabis Picnic. Saturday May 12th (1979?/1980?). Speakers Corner Hyde Park. Each issue 36 pages, 4to.; cover in red and green., no 2 b/w only. With stamp of Real Free Press Int. Text mimeographed. With many illustrations. - NORML: The Marijuana Issue. National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. Washington. Pamphlet of 18 pages, stapled in wrappers. And a letter with official letterhead by Icar Administration Together with Marijuana,The Facts. Brochure Jan. 1979 -ICAR: Int. Cannabis Alliance for Reform. News letter. Together with Agenda for the "1st International Cannabis Legalization Conference. Amsterdam, Feb, 1980 (The Kosmos). -A Guide to British Psilocybin Mushrooms. By Richard Cooper. 1977. Hassle Free Press, 32 pages + wrappers.

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- Edited by the "Smokey Bears". All contributions under pseudonym (Bear). Much information on Marijuana, also many pictures and drawings. - Brief legal history of Marijuana; Marijuana Usage Today; Dangerous to use ? Legal options etc., Legal Cannabis Rally Hyde Park, Mau 10 (1980?). Documents of NORM and ICAR. Plus 4 issues of HOME GROWN with invoice on their Letterhead Paper.



Nos. 1-3 (all publ.). New York, 13 May 1970-21 May 1970. 3 broadside posters,folio size, printed on recto only.

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Broadside journal distributed free of charge asmurals by Committee to Defend the Panther 21, for students in New York in support of their protest strikes against the War in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Also for the liberation of Bobby Seale and other members of the Black Panthers. Later the movement spread further to intellectuals in the "Art worker's coalition, NYU film, school of Visual Art, Pratt institute".... Together with a Poster Free New University Conference. New York, 15 June1970. In folio.



First European Sex Paper [PETER DE RIDDER]

Complete set in near mint condition. Nos. 1-8 (all publ.) Amsterdam, Oct. 1969-(1971). Folio; unbd. illustrated, partly colored. Together with SUCK SPECIAL ISSUE G. GORDON, text by W. LEVY, design A. BEEKE: The Virgin Sperm Dancer. An ecstatic journey of a boy transformed into a girl for one day only, and her erotic adventures in Amsterdam, magic center. Original, ilustrated stiff boards, 72 pp. The Hague, 1972. Folio.

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Number 6 in the second revised edition.



No. 4. Torino, 1973 (autunno); 100x54 cm. Poster, bluepinted. "Foglio Stagionale e Murale (settembre/ottobre/novembre)". Some discoloration over the folds.

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Texts by Mauro Pariananda «Viaggiare dormendo», Giulio Tedeschi a.o.; dedicato a gianni milano zaratustra paperino sun ra aleister crowleyillustrations in the text.



Rivista internazionale di cultura alternative / international review of alternative culture

Nr. 0, 1- 8 (8 numbers in 6 issues of a total of ten numbers published). Text in Italian and Englisch. Milano: TRA edizioni, 1976 -1979. Added a publicity leaflet and subscription form.

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Directed by Giancarlo Bocchi, -number 0. 1976. Speciale: La Nuova Biennale .Tabloid size, 12 pages, illustrated throughout. -number 1. Speciale: Polonia 7 1976. Tabloid size, 16 pages, illustrated throughout. -number 2. Speciale Canada . Rivista trimestrale di dibattito, informazione e ricerca culturale. Quarterly magazine of debate, information and cultural research. 1977. Quarto, 40 pages, illustrated throughout. Illustrated wrappers. -number 3. il sociale linguaggi istituzioni. 1977. Quarto, 47 pages, illustrated throughout. Fornt cover ‘arte e ideologia’ by F. de Filippi. -number 4/5. Linguaggi negazione e lateralitá. Rivista bimestrale d’informazione dibattito e ricerca culturale. Bimonthly magazine of information debate, and cultural research. Quarto, 47 pages, illustrated throughout. Front cover after Daniel Buren. -number 6/7. Linguaggi di massa. Quarto, 47 pages, illustrated throughout. Front cover with photograph manifestazione di strada (bologna 77). -number 8. Ideolologia Dell’avventura. Rivista d’informazione e politica culturale. The magazine of information and cultural politics. Aprile 1979. Quarto, 37 pages, illustrated throughout. Realizzazione grafica Angelo Sganzerla. Contributions by Ugo Dossi, Ann Tuteur, Haka, Lyn Kienholz, Amerigo Marras, Lamberto Pignotti, Helmut Schweizer and Vicky Scarpa. Photographs by Edoardo Fornaciari, Giorgio Colombo, J.P. Reverdot (P. Hulten), G.E.Simonetti, Lyn Kienholz etc.



Nos. 1-7/8 (all publ.?). Milano, dic. 1970 - giugno/luglio 1971. Original wrappers folio. Ills.

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Director: Franco Quadri. Together 6 issues (no. 5/6 & 7/8 are double-issues) of 24pp. each, richly illustrated. Contribs. on American underground, film, theatre, feminism, popmusic, a.o. Articles incl.: 'Dopo l'Underground' (Calendario dell'underground e della rabbia-New American Cinema anno 70-Rivoluzione è teatro per la strada-Comics and Stories by Crumb); 'Brecht antibrecht'; 'Ginsberg a Chicago'; 'Liberazione Femminile' / 'Gay Power'; 'Rapporto Viet-Marijuana'; 'Manson Innocente?'; 'L'Era dell'Acquario'; 'Rock Power'(Beatles, Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan); '12 modi di fare teatro', etc. Contribs. by (a.o.) Giuliano Scabia, Gianni Buttafava, Franco Cavallone, Fernanda Pivano, Jerome Savary, Marisa Rusconi.


UC unadopted communication

(Verschijnt om de drie weken/ Verschijnt onregelmatig).

Nos. 1-4 (all publ.?). Heverlee, 22 Nov. 1969 - 30 April 1970. (21,5 x 32 cm). Roneotyped, b&w. (No. 2 with cover in orange). With illustrations.

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Belgian underground and psychedelic publication, edited by Walter Declerck in Heverlee. Contribs, by Burroughs, Karel de Geest, Barn Altona, Cis Peeters, Meyerson, Peter Rooibos, Dirk Vom Berge (ills.), and many anonymous.


UFO Space Bulletin

Nos.1-3 (all publ with Prospectus): Nos. 1 and 2 (all pub. in magazine size), Juni 1971. "Revolution durch Information" UFO 2 Space Bulletin, 2 Oktober 1971. Göttingen : Expanded Media Editions. 43 x 31 cm, folded to 4to. (No.1 with small defect to spine, otherwise very fine). Together with (No.3): -UFO Sondernummer. Mar 72 (also referred to as UFO 3) 'Radio 23' Piratensender: Mitschnitt des Programms, das in der Nacht zum 1. März 1972 von dem Münchener Piratenwender Radio 23 gesendet wurde. A 60 min. audiocassette featuring pirate radio from Munich, promoted as the first audio magazine in the world. It was released in March 1972 as the third issue of UFO, a magazine edited by Udo Breger, Carl Weissner, Jürgen Ploog and Jörg Fauser. Added: Expanded Media Editions, Publisher's Catalog, illustrated. 16 pages,spine stapled in light green wrapper.

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Very rare set of this German counter culture publication, nicely illustrated with collaged images, clippings, photographs, photocompositions, etc. With contributions of Joerg Fauser, Doc Benway, Allen Ginsberg, Schnee-Ede, Jürgen Ploog, Leila Khaled, Carl Weissner, Peter Weibel, Valie Export, Pelieu, Hamburger Mary, 'Flash Gordon', und 'Lonnie the Pimp'. Number 2 with contributions by Joerg Fauser, Harry Gelb, Pierre Joris, Jürgen Ploog, Carl Weissner, Dr. Kurt Unruh, Udo Breger, Jan Herman. Leara, OZ-Prozess, Schwarze Zelle, Junk, Blutiger Mittwoch, TECHNO-Anarchie, Coca-Cola. "Erstaunlicherweise haben wir die 2te Nr. geschafft." Expanded Media Editions -was a small publishing house run by Udo Breger in Göttingen dedicated to underground/beat publications. Udo Breger (1941) is a German author, translator and publisher with close ties to the Beat Generation. Breger studied English and Romance Language & Literature at the University of Göttingen from 1964 to 1971, during which period he also ran an art gallery in Göttingen. Between 1968 and 1975 his Expanded Media Editions published and organised projects with Joseph Beuys, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Allen Ginsberg, Brion Gysin, William Burroughs and others. In the mid-1970s Breger translated Robert Shea’s and Robert Anton Wilson’s ‘Illuminatus! Trilogy’ for Sphinx Verlag, Basel. With the exception of a couple of years spent in Sweden, Breger has since then worked in Basel as a publicist and translator of works by Walt Whitman, Alan Watts, John Lilly, William Burroughs, Franco Beltrametti and others for various publishing houses including his own.



A Journal of Activist Art (originally 1ST ISSUE. Published by PADD. Political Art Documentation/Distribution.

Numbers 1-14/15. Complete Set including the Winter 1986-7 Supplement Concrete Crisis. New York, February 1981-Winter 1986/87 (all published, first 2 issues under the title "1st ISSUE".). Very good,near mint condition; some issues with very small library stamp, 1 issue with mailing label on the back. The early issues have ca.18 pages, gradually enlarging to 84 pages in coloured covers.

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Edited by Lucy Lippard and Miriam Borofsky, Elizabeth Kulas, PAD/D Political Art Documentation and Distribution. Dynamic journal of the artist's and artworker's activist group PADD, documenting in words and images subversive cultural activities of the Reagan & Bush years. Texts and illustrations by Lucy Lippard, Nancy Angelo, Susan McCarn, A panel discussion on Art, Ideology and Education with Carol Duncan, Dan Newman,Tim Rollins, Ira Shor, Hans Haacke and others. Publication is irregular, as folows: 1st Issue #1 February 1981; 1st Issue #2 May-June 1981; Upfront #3 Dec/Jan 1981; Upfront #4 Feb/March 1982; Upfront #5 February 1983; Upfront #6-7 Summer 1983; Upfront #8 Winter 1983-4; Upfront #9 Fall 1984; Upfront #10 Fall 1985; Upfront #11 Winter 1985-86; Upfront #12-13 Winter 1986-7; Upfront Special Exhibition Supplement Concrete Crisis: Urban Images of the 80s Winter 1986-7; Upfront #14/15 Winter Spring 1987-88. Contribs. incl. o.a. Charles Frederick, Margia Kramer, Irving Wexler, Anne Meiman, Keith Christensen, Lucy Lippard, Anne Pitrone, Stuart Garber. Covers by: Doug Ashford, Rachael Romero, Roberto Clemente, Jerry Kearns, Anton van Dalen, a.o. Articles incl.: Hispanic Art from Outrage; Cuban photopgraphy; Art against Apartheid; Not for Sale, The East Village Art Scene and the Lower East Side; Native American, Black and White Artists in search of democracy; no. 12/13 incl. "Concrete Crisis": Urban Images of the '80s (an exhibition of Street / Gallery Posters). First two issues entitled: '1st Issue'; the last double-issue subtitled: A Journal of Activist Art. '....P.A.D. is a left-to-socialist artists' resource and networking organization coming out of and into New York City. Our goal is to provide artists with an organized relationship to society, to demonstrate the political effectiveness of image making ....'



[Numbers 1-3 all published with the Madison WI Underground Newspaper KALEIDOSCOPE]. 1969 . July 4-17, Aug. 29 - Sept. 11, and n.d. Nova Broadcast, 1969.(San Francisco (Athens, New York, Cologne,LA, Paris,Mannheim : Nova Broadcast Press). Rare copies of these fragile broadsides, in very good condition.

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Broadsides distributed as supplements to Kaleidoscope. Edited By Norman Ogue Mustill and Jan Jacob Herman. Single sheets, folded up to three times. Printed front and back in a 7-column newpaper format, with photocompositions. - No. 1: Contains Burroughs (The Moving Times), Weissner ( Death TV) , Nanos Valaoritis (The story of Scroloboulopoulos) along with work by Mary Beach, Alan Ansen and the editors. This was inserted into the second section of the July 4-17 issue of the Madison WI Underground Newspaper KALEIDOSCOPE. - No. 2: 'We pick up where the hen leaves off. .An investment in the smell of rotten eggs". Contributions by Carl Solomon (War), A. Rooney & S. Beiles (Collectors corner), Alan Ansen (Professor Joe, a candidate for the presidency), N.O.Mustill (2 photocollages), Wolf Vostell ( Four Instant Happenings,1968 and a serigraph), J.J.Herman (collage), Jochen Gerz (photocomposition), Carl Weisner (photocomposition), Allen Ginsberg, James Silver, Carl Weissner, Harold Norse, and several others. This issue probably published as Broadsheet, inserted into the second section of the July Aug. 29 - Sept. 11 issue of the Milwaukee (Wisconsin) underground newspaper Kaleidoscope. A third issue was published Nova Broadcast, 1969. - No. 3: "Artists all/find a dark corner/sit down/place your right calf on back of neck/place left calf on right shin/and suck+++weather/zonk". " An army of technicians stand behind our product". The third and last issue of the artists' periodical, with contributions from the editors, Herman (A dangerous opiate) ; Carl Weisner (Stasis Inc.); Jeff Nuttal (drawing), N.O.Mustill( photocomposition, The Vietnam Question); Wolf Vostell (Miss America, photocomposition); Jochen Gerz (Theory of mobile texts); Alison Knowles (The big book, phtocomposition); Claude Pelieu; Sinclair Beiles (Notes from a tour); J.J.Lebel (Erotic traveller); , Carl Solomon (The adventures of Zig-Zag), and Gail Chiarello Dusenberry, Nanos Valaoritis. Nova Broadcast, 1969.



Print Bart Huges.

Early rotaprint by Aad Veldhoen of BART HUGES with bandaged head with blood along his cheeks, after performing the self trepanation. 13,7x 167,3. Signed in pencil and numbered 2/10. RARE.

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Dossier Simon Vinkenoog from the Archive of journalist Henk J. Meier, documenting Vinkenoog and the Drugs scene in Amsterdam - a) Flyer for a Teach In !!! "Openbaar debat over de middelen Marihu, amphetamine, L.S.D. (..) met Robert Jasper Grootveld en Simon Vinkenoog." Zaterdag 4 Dec.1965 Roneotyped in blue23,5 x 32 cm. folded. - b) Documents on the person of Simon Vinkenoog: photograph by Tom Weerheijm of Vinkenoog, . 18 x 13 cm. Flyer Images du Paradis (Vinkenoog and Opland)" and 1 for Paradiso copy of Marriage act and photograph of Vinkenoog with Reineke Offprint Ons Amsterdam, newspaper clipping NRC, + 2 others - c) "Wat ze zeggen. Eigen en andermans teksten. - Arcadia Pers, Bloemendaal, februari 1964. "(uitverkocht; 120 exemplaren voor intekenaren)" Stencilled typoscript; 7 sheets + 3 sheets, stapled, with texts about drugs (in dutch) by (i.a.) Ginsberg en William S. Burroughs. 34 x 21,5 cm. - d) NCRV-tv script Marihuana. Nederlands Film Persbureau, Henk J. Meier, 1965. Together with a typed interview with met Vinkenoog. (all in dutch) - e) two typoscrpt letters each 3 pages from Tobias Ritman to Simon Vinkenoog. - f) typed retrospect of Rob Stolk

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Happening (December 1962) organised by Melvin CLAY, Frank STERN & Simon VINKENOOG

HAPPENING 9.12.62 OPEN HET GRAF. Simon Vinkenoog, Open het Graf- Happening organized by Melvin Clay, Frank Stern & Simon Vinkenoog. Programme booklet for the event. Gold coloured paper covers, staple bound, 30 x 22 cm, 10 pp(of 11 , the front page missing, title written in red geltpen on the front cover.) Content stencilled on pink and grey sheets with facsimile handwritten and typed texts and drawings by Simon Vinkenoog, Bart Huges, Frank Stern, Rik van Bentum, Jean-Jacques Lebel et al. Moderate fading to cover and fragile paper, three staples ( partly loosening and restapled), else in good shape. Rare document.

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Happening (December 1962) organised by Melvin CLAY, Frank STERN & Simon VINKENOOG

Vintage poster: Original poster, 57,5 x 40,5 cm., with photomontage ilustration. (Amsterdam, 1962).- Small marginal tears, pinhole leaving light damage on the corners, several repairs on the backside over the splitting foldings.

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Happening (December 1962) organised by Melvin CLAY, Frank STERN & Simon VINKENOOG

Simon Vinkenoog, Open het Graf- Happening organized by Melvin Clay, Frank Stern & Simon Vinkenoog. 9 December (1962, year added in blue ink). Poster, 57.5 x 40.5 cm. Folded, very good clean copy. (the poster without the programme)

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Simon VINKENOOG (and others)

Paradiso-Calypso Show

Read and Hook Up! Please (Paradiso 10.6.77). -Plain card file with 16 stencilled sheets (black on white paper) produced on the spot during the Paradiso-Calypso-show (10.6.77) of Hans Plomp, Simon Vinkenoog, Steef Davidson, Huib Schreurs, Amsterdam, 10 juni, 1977. Rare collection.

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A collection of texts/drawings/ caricatures made by the participants of the "party" (Paradiso Calypso Show), Fierce anarchist texts, in protest of the armed action to free the hostages in the train occupied by Molukkans (Government Murder Plot on Train), against the governement (Den Uyl), and the Royal Family (mostly Bernard), texts influenced by drugs during the Apo-Calypso Show, Texts by Plomp, Davidson, Vinkenoog, Schreurs, William Levty, Bert Griepink,Aad Veldhoen, Billy,Bert,Albert etc.



Words Inc: Social science and the knowledge machine

York (UK), Tiger Papers Publications, June 1977. Yellow cover with title and illustration in black. Contains 133 stenciled pages, 21 x 30 cm, printed on various coloured paper, staple bound on left side.

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Compilation of texts and illustrations assembled and part-written by Phil Virden. Contributions by Michael Kosok, Real Free Press, Zap Comix, Bill Bergeron et al. The back cover states: 'Tiger Paper Publications takes apart reality. This issue clears the ground by putting its teeth around the unrealities of education and the social sciences.' Condition: general age wear, soiling on covers, corners bumped.



The coffee table tabloid

Vol. 1, No. 1 (all publ.?). New York, So What Inc., 1978. Tabloïd (29 x 36 cm.). Illustrated.

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Published and edited by Steve Becker and Stan Bobrof. Photographs, text, line drawings. With contributions by Mark, Beyer, Buster Cleveland, Studi "Stu Chernoff", Frank Bruno, Debra Kameros, Brian Carr, Raymond Young, M.R.Foldes. Incl. The Magic Theater Gazette Number One by Raymond F. Young.



Nos. 1-8 (all publ.). New York, NY, Wedge Press, 1982-1985. Orig.wrappers, 22,5x22 cm. (small stain on frontcover of no 1, small defect to bottom-spine no 3/5; but altogether a very good set)

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Edited by Phil Mariani and Brian Wallis. With numerous illustrations, b/w; text in two columns. No. 1: An Aesthetic Inquiry”72pp. Contributors: Art Papier (Interview with Joseph Beuys), G.A.A.G., Jenny Holzer, Jonathan Crary a.o. No. 2:The Spectacle” 74pp. Contributors: Richard Prince. Guy Debord, Pat Thomson, Michael Oblowitz, Jonathan Crary, Barbara Krugera.o. No. 3/4/5: Partial Texts: Essays & Fictions: 14 booklets, different format in folder. Kathy Acker, Silvia Kobowski, Nan Becker, Reese Williams, Mathew Geller, Richard Milazzo, Roberta Allen, Theresa H.K. Cha, Harry Condoleon, John Fekner, Candace Hill, Gary Indiana, Sarah Charlesworth and Phil Mariani. No. 6: Sexuality : Re/Positions. Guest editor: Silvia Kolbowski. 72pp. Contributors: Victor Burgin, Jean-François Lyotard, Judith Barrya.o. No. 7/8:The Imperialism of Representation, The Representation of Imperialism” 131pp. Contributors: Edward Said, Jurgen Habermas, Noam Chomsky, Jonathan Crary, Edward Herman, Gayatri Spivak, Jean-Luc Godard a.o.



Numbers 1-6 (out of 8 published). London, Sandy Robertson, Feb. 1977- XMas'77. , Original wrappers. Corner stapled at upper left. 29,8x21 cn. Printed on rectos only. Illustrated (b&w). L ight corner creases over the staples to all issuesl ight wrinkles to back page of issue 1, Otherwise all in fine/ near fine condition. Each issue had a different subtitle and printed on different colour stock: Issue 1: A Rock N Roll Magazine for the Modern World (light blue); Issue 2: A Rock N Roll Magazine for Teen Aeshetes (pink); Issue 3: A Rock N Roll Magazine for Young Existentialists ( light green); Issue 4: A Rock N Roll Magazine for the New Romanticism (darks yellow); Issue 5: A Rock N Roll Magazine for international heroes (yellow stock). Issue 6- XMas'77. Cover picture:Susan Carson/Dreva Archives. 12 pages, stapled in left upper corner. P. 3/6: The return of the Rock+Roll Heroes. A Study of heroism, by Glenn Marks; 7 Patti art given by tony d, 8/9 henry miller by frank letchford; 10 Patti photo by alex fergusson; 11:Patti hotel bill,given by aris; 12 art by patti,given by skid kid.

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Edited by Sandy Robertson. A PATTI SMITH fanzine, the name being derived from lyrics to Smith's song 'Ain't It Strange.' Sandy Robertson was a Scottish writer.Patti Smith was the main focus, others were also featured (Sex Pistols, Lou Reed, Harry Crosby, Kim Fowley, Artaud, Wilhelm Reich, Todd Rundgren). Robertson states in issue 1: "I'm starting this magazine because I believe that I have interesting ideas and yet I can't get them published by the 'big' music papers. Mark P. of Sniffin' Glue apparently said that everyone shoud start their own paper and I fully agree." And later: "I called it 'White Stuff' because I like Patti's line (from the song Ain't It Strange), and also there are lots of black music papers, but few in this country exclusively devoted to the music of urban white kids." No.1: Vive L'Anarchie; Patti Smith, Lou Reed; Sex Pistols, and more No.2:Contents feature articles on Smith and The Runaways, reviews of Smith's singles, Snatch, and The Clash, as well as numerous photos of Smith and surrealist poetry by Hans Arp and Antonin Artaud. No.3: Featuering the Patti Todd rundgren connections;Patti in 1973;You can't say "Fuck"in Radio Free Amwerica No. 4: Contents feature an article comparing Smith and Wilhelm Reich, as well as five pages of verse by Smith, each coupled with a different photograph. Issues of 'White Stuff' - particularly the early ones - are scarce in commerce; OCLC locates incomplete holdings at 3 US institutions, with 2 more in the UK. [Winchester, VA, No.5: Article by Frank W. Letchford on the art of Austin Osman Spare, 'Notes on Holiday Inn' by Smith, and a fans' notes on Smith, The Rolling Stones, and Rimbaud. Issues of 'White Stuff' - are scarce; OCLC locates incomplete holdings at 3 US institutions, with 2 more in the UK.


THE WILLIE (d.a.levy)

Nos. 1-2 (all publ.). San Francisco & Los Angeles, Manic Press, Summer 1967- Spring 1968. Mimeographed in side-stapled illustrated wrappers (64 + 70 pp.). (27,5 x 21,5 cm).

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"The Willie comes into your brain". Edited by 'willie the snort gobblet w/football hair for earmuffs '(for no. 1) & 'willie gobblecunt the cosmic drunk' (for no 2). According to 'Clay/Phillps, A secret location etc, p. 303) the editor was d. a. levy. "Promoting Acid in the Maggot Eye, featuring Acoustic Earth Hallucinations, incoporating Gland Juice & Marigold Plasm". Covers by Brown Miller (a bit psychedelic) and Suzy Cross. Contributions by d.a.levy, Charles Bukowski, Harold Norse, Kent Taylor, Steve Richmond, T.L.Kryss, Doug Blazek, E.R.Baxter, Lynn Fillman, and others.



De Papieren Tijger

Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4/5, 5 (sic!), 6/7, 8, 9 and The POSTER-issue. (all published). Amsterdam, 26 mei 1967-1968. 39x43 cm.; in very good condition.

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Underground journal, close to Provo. . "Nieuws over de sosjale revoluutsie in de derde wereld, de kulturele revoluutsie in de westerse asfaltjungle,,de psiegedliese revolutie, de lieve revoluutsie in Amsterdam". Collaboration of Ronald Augustin Johnny the Selfkicker, Bart van Hogenhuijze, Ben van Ootmerssen, Robert van der Veen, Simon Vinkenoog. Advocates sexual freedom, freedom for drug, etc.; flowerpower; psychedelic artwork. Poster issue in colour (Franz Deckwitz). No 1: De Papieren Tijger No. 2 Extra bubbelbad No. 3 We love you, tyhen De Witte Krant



Numbers (00) 1 and 2. Philadelphia, Brian Zahn, June-July 1967. (No.1 on newsprint, 42 x 28,5 cm., light wear to spine and edges; No. 2 on better paper, 41 x 17,8 cm. In fine condition except for very light soilage on the front cover). Plus: Number 2. VARIANT. (n.d., ca. 1968). London, Duke Street,St.James. 16 pages, selfwrappers; 38,5 x 26,5 cm. In fine condition (except for very light soilage on the front cover). This is a variant version of no 2 with a different cover.

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Published (initially monthly) by David Auten and Brian Zahn. Contributors: Steve Tilles, Phil Stilles, Bonny Williams, Paul Carlin, Lynn Coren, Timothy Leary, Robert Crumb. These first issues of Yarrowstalks represent some of the earliest R.Crumb Comics & Stories. Number one has the first appearance of his character "Mr. Natural" and "The Trip" a 20 panel psychedelic comic strip. The second issue features the first installment of "Head Comix" and other drawings by Crumb. Yarrowstalks was Philadelphia’s Oracle, one of the best of the underground papers;Yarrowstalks was a blend of artwork and creative writing. It was not radical politically, but rather a gently publication, with visually pleasing graphics and an easy editorial style. The first issue includes a 2 page interview with Timothy Leary, with photograph. The paper, following the lead of editor and publisher Brian Zahn, moved toward Eastern philosophies. Twelve issues of Yarrowstalks were published in Philadelphia from 1967 until 1975. Most of the activity was concentrated at the beginning of the period, in the heyday of underground press activity.



Très beau, pas cher : Journal de bandes dessinées

Nos. 1- 22 (all published, complete set), Paris, Société de presse «Le pop», then éd. Balland after No. 12 , mai 1971- mai 1974. Original pictorial wrappers, first 11 numbers 29x42 cm, then becoming 21x30cm. TOGETHER WITH: POLITICON. Supplément hebdomadaire à “Zinc” (très beau mensuel). Editeur Jean Balland. No. 1-4. Paris, Balland, 12 avril, 19 avril, 26 avril et 3 mai 1974. 4 numbers of each 8 pages, 29 x 42 cm.

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Directed by Pierre Guitton, then after No. 12: Balland. The first French comics magazine for young adults with subversive political anti-establishment content, dealing with all the topics of the time and promoting sexual liberation. Directed by Pierre Guitton and Gilles Nicoulaud, assisted by Soulas, Bertrand, Hugot, Berroyer, Bob, Lesluin, a.o.; the supplement Politicon comments and caricaturizes the French political scene, and is particularly interesting for the 1974 presidential elections. A rare set.



Numero Unico, (Roma), (Collettivo A/Traverso), 1976 [n.d. but October 1976], 56x40 cm,folded 4 times to 28x20 cm. Direttore resposabile M. Baraghini, supplemento a stampa alternativa.

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Only number published of this countercultural journal. Edited in Rome by Angelo Pasquini, Piero Lo Sardo, Mario Canale, with collaboration of Giancarlo De Simoni, Gilles Wright, Gerrj (Gerratana). Text on the frontpage:: "Di questo"; "Essere assenti"; "Che cento fiori sboccino - che cento radio trasmettano - che cento fogli preparino - un altro '68 con altre armi"; "Ottobre. La marjuana matura...". Folded out on the inside is a poster with the following texts: "Contro il disegno paranoico di colpevolizzazione-criminalizzazione dell'intelligenza desiderante. Contro il totalitarismo dell'imbecillità clerico-riformista. Contro la restaurazione culturale (...). Proponiamo - Una vertenza generale per l'abolizione della scuola. - Una campagna ecologica per la sospensione di ogni forma di trasmissione del sapere. - La messa fuori legge di Comunione e Liberazione. (...) Zut foglio di agit/azione dadaista PER LA LIBERAZIONE dall'estraneità creativa dalla schifosa organizzazione del lavoro. Della rabbiosa espressione collettiva dei marginalizzati dalla ributtante rappresentazione spettacolare. Dell'intelligenza desiderante dalla gabbia tormentosa dell'organizzazione ideologica del consenso. PER LA SOVVERSIONE dell'istituzione spettacolare, ideologica e tecnico-scientifica. Colpiscine uno per educarne cento!...". (Salaris 1997: pp. 79).