Periodico bimestrale di Cultura Alternativa, Informazioni, Undergroud, Musica d'Avanguarda e Arte Varia.

Set of 7 issues (of 9 published in total, lacking the zero-number and Anno 1 no. 1). Anno 1(2) no. 2 (giugno/agosto 1972) - No. 7/8 (agosto/settembre 1974, last issue published). La Spezia, 1972-1974. Sizes differ from 22 x 16,5 cm - 31 x 22 cm.
Italian underground magazine, directed by Carlo Burrini. Heavily illustrated, with texts and drawings, some psychedelic art, cartoons etc. by S. Alberti, V. Baroni, C. Burrini, M. Marino, M. Scatizzi, Pino Tarantino, M. Felluga, Max Capa a.o. Printed on various coloured stock (red, pink & green). Subtitle varies. Also numbered as Anno 2 no. 2 (Anno 2 no. 1 omitted in numbering), then New Series Nos. 1 (= whole series no. 3)-7/8.

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