Nos. 1-2 (of 3 publ.). Kathmandu, Nepal, Fall 1972-Spring 1973. Large folio, unbound;
printed on special handmade rice-paper woodblock; illustrated.; some impressions in red.
printed on special handmade rice-paper woodblock; illustrated.; some impressions in red.
Edited and published by Angus Maclise and Francis Brooks, hand-printed in Swayambhu by Ato Tamting Sija,
in a limited edition of 150 copies only. Contribs. and woodcut illustrations (several on full-page) by
Ira Cohen, Hetty Maclise, Olivia de Haulleville, Angus Maclise, Ian Alsop, Francis Brooks, Katie McDonald, Petra Vogt, a.o.
in a limited edition of 150 copies only. Contribs. and woodcut illustrations (several on full-page) by
Ira Cohen, Hetty Maclise, Olivia de Haulleville, Angus Maclise, Ian Alsop, Francis Brooks, Katie McDonald, Petra Vogt, a.o.