Anmerkungen zu Politik und Literatur.(Stellungnahmen.nos 7-9)

Nos. 2-8. Hamburg: Self Published, 1960. April 1960 - August 1961.
4to; stenciled and stapled magazine, 7 issues in total, one of which a double issue. Between 16-22 pages, the double issue 30 pages.
(Beutin, Wolfgang. editor). With contributions by Kurt Hiller: Randnote zu Richter (pseud. Keith Lurr), Antipolitiker Curtchen in no 2.; Ein feiner Herr, no.3; Geschichtsfälscher, Bildnisse Beruhmte Deutscher (pseud. Keith Lurr), Brief an Professor Muschg, no.4.... Furthermore articles by Paul Sant,Jesaias Rumpolt and an'Erklärung', a manifest text of the Neusozialistischer bund, signed in print by Kurt Hiller, Wolfgang Beutin, Gerd Kamman, Dieter Schumacher and Jürgen Rathje.