THE WILLIE (d.a.levy)
Nos. 1-2 (all publ.). San Francisco & Los Angeles, Manic Press, Summer 1967- Spring 1968. Mimeographed in side-stapled illustrated wrappers (64 + 70 pp.). (27,5 x 21,5 cm).
"The Willie comes into your brain". Edited by 'willie the snort gobblet w/football hair for earmuffs '(for no. 1) & 'willie gobblecunt the cosmic drunk' (for no 2). According to 'Clay/Phillps, A secret location etc, p. 303) the editor was d. a. levy. "Promoting Acid in the Maggot Eye, featuring Acoustic Earth Hallucinations, incoporating Gland Juice & Marigold Plasm". Covers by Brown Miller (a bit psychedelic) and Suzy Cross. Contributions by d.a.levy, Charles Bukowski, Harold Norse, Kent Taylor, Steve Richmond, T.L.Kryss, Doug Blazek, E.R.Baxter, Lynn Fillman, and others.