TECHNE (Tèchne)

Vol. 1-16 (consisting of 8 physical volumes, a near completete set (1, 2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, 11/13, 14/16, only one further volume published ). Each volume is an assembling of loose contributions by various artists, stapled twice in the left margin, with overlaying edges (ca. 34x25,4 cm.). Condition of this set is excellent.
- Vol. 1: ottobre 1969. Antologia a cura di Eugenio Miccini,1969. Black front cover with the banderol stapled on; (condition near fine).
- Vol. 2: dicembre 1969. Antologia a cura di Eugenio Miccini, 1969. Redazione: Pier Luigi Tazzi, Egidio Mucci, Gianni Broi. Red front cover, with the banderol; blank back cover. (condition excellent)
- Vol. 3/4: Antologia a cura di Eugenio Miccini, 1970. Green front cover (detached from staples, with very small loss of paper), with the banderol printed, back cover blank;. Loose insert: large poster-size, folded 4 times: "Giuseppe Manigrosso,Techne 13 febbraio, Firenze, (a clean intact copyn with only some toning over the folds)"; and a signed contribution by De Vree; (condition very good)
- Vol. 5/6: Antologia a cura di Eugenio Miccini, 1970. Yellow front cover, back cover printed in blue. With contribution Arcelli loosely laid in. Added: programma 'Arte per Arte', maggio/giugno 1970. (condition: excellent)
- Vol. 7/8: Antologia a cura di Eugenio Miccini, 1970. Redazione: Pier Luigi Tazzi, Egidio Mucci, Gianni Broi, Giusi Coppini. Grey front cover, back cover printed in grey. With folded large size poster ("Montepulciano cripta del Gesu.etc"). And 4 other inserts (loose). (condition: back cover loosening from the staples, otherwise excellent)
- Vol. 9/10: giugnio 1972. Antologia a cura di Eugenio Miccini, 1970. Violet front cover and blank back cover (pasted around stapled pages). (Condition excellent)
- Followed by Volumes 11/13 and 14/16 which are on a reduced size, and contain textual contributions only:
- Vol. 11/12/13: Antologia-direttore Eugenio Miccini, redattore Lino Centi. 1974. Orange cover.
- Vol. 14/15/16: Antologia-direttore Eugenio Miccini, redattore Lino Centi.1975. Green cover (small abrasion on the left upper corner of the frot cover); Spines e bit foxed but otherwise in perfect condition.

EUR 5,000.00

TECHNÉ,an assembling published in Florence from the Techne Center, was handmade from artists submissions (like "Geiger" which was published in Torino) , but with notably more political engagement. It was edited by Eugenio Miccini and Lino Centi.The center was engaged in research and experimental avant-garde literature. Visual poetry and art, originating from the "Gruppo 70" with Lamberto Pignotti. Each number comprises ab. 60 sheets contributed by various artists and poets: Adriano Spatola, Sarenco, Bussotti, Gianni Bertini, Bernard Aubertin, Betto, Jean-François Bory, Giovanni Broi, John Cage, Luciano Caruso, Lino Centi, Gilo Dorfles, Josef M.FigueresWalter Fusi, Isgrò, Fabbio Mauri, Eugenio Miccini, Giovan Battista Nazzaro, Michele Perfetti, Oberto, Poggiali, Gabri Rossi, Renato Spagnoli, Giuseppe Chiari, Timm Ulrichs, Franco Vaccari, André Vandegeerd, Pierre Vandrepote, etc. There were 3 more volumes published (11/13, 14/16, 17/19), in smaller size, and entirely printed offset (not containing loose contributions). These later volumes are sewn in card wrappers (22x16cm) and extremely rare.

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