Blätter für neue Literatur (later: Ein schriftlicher Vorgang); later:Jahrbuch für Mitteilungssysteme).

Heft 1-27 (all publ.). Bochum, Düsseldorf, Bulkowski, March 1966-1977. Unbd., original issues printed on various coloured stock , size 30 x 21 cm, later for numbers 13-20 changing to 21 x 15 cm.printed as Photocopies, Letterpress, Offset, Original works (collage etc). with all decorated original wrappers and supplements preserved, stapled in the spine or archival binders. Set in mint condition; illustrated.
The most important of the anarchist and leftist "mini-presses" of the sixties. Strong ties with Leftist movements worldwide, of which Bulkowski acted as the German language spokesman and reporter. Issues are usually around one topic: No.5 Anarchie und Humor (Provo), No. 8 Texts of the Hippies ; No. 6 Beat-Beat with texts of the Beats; No. 10 Ideal Werbetext; No. 11/12 with orig. Plastic coloured artwork of Thomas Bayrle; No. 18 inspired on the Situationists; No 20 in orig.brown envelope. Numbers 13-21 on quarto size photocopied and combined together with original documents. They are interesting for content, typography and lay-out. Contributors include: Thomas Bayrle (Original color silkscreens on plastic foils), Horst Bingel, Paul Schallück, G. Zwerenz, Max v.d. Grün, N. Born, P. Faecke, D. Hoffmann, G. Kunert, K. Marti, Simon Vinkenoog (Provo), , Peter Chotjewitz, G. Guben, Reimar Lenz, Dietrich Albrecht (Fluxus), Hans-Peter Alvermann,Claus Boehmler, Rolf-Dieter Brinkmann, Stig Brogger, Stanley Brouwn, Henning Christiansen (Fluxus), Hans Peter Feldmann, Robert Filliou, Jochen Gerz, Ludwig Gosewitz (Fluxus), ans Imhoff , H. Kaminski, Tuli Kupferberg, F. Mayroecker + E. Jandl , Franz Mon , Maurizio Nannucci , A.R. Penck , J. Ploog , Chris Reinecke (LIDL) , Ralf-Reiner Rygulla, Wolfg. Schmidt, Tomas Schmit (Fluxus), Klaus Staeck / Eric Thygesen, Miroljub Todorovic , Vangelis Tsakiridis, Iannis Xenakis and numerous others.

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